• @onlooker@lemmy.ml
    22 years ago

    Not a lawyer, etc etc, but as I understand it, yes, it’s still manslaughter. The place where a motor vehicles strikes a person doesn’t really matter. What matters is whether the accident was due to negligence, which would make it vehicular manslaughter, or whether it was done by murderous intent, which would make it vehicular homicide. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, though.

    • @potato_lisper@szmer.info
      12 years ago

      Dude, that was irony about current point of view regrading cars and people on foot. I thought “privileged people in cars” was a hint, but clearly not. Yes, from law point of view it’s manslaughter. With more and more self driving cars that could change and stuff like above picture are clear proof of direction everything is taking.