I’m trying to use element on manjaro linux and syphon on an android phone. I’m logged in with manjaro and when I log in from the phone I get a “verify your device” popup. When I click on verify it says “Verify other device To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other device.” But I don’t see anything on syphon. I can’t read private chats because all messages appear as encrypted. I can read group chats though. So what can I do to read private chats from syphon?

  • @nachtigall@feddit.de
    2 years ago

    Cross signing for Syphon is apparantly still in development (see the issue and PR).

    So for now you might have to try a different client for your phone (such as Element/SchildiChat or FluffyChat).

    Edit: Nvm, didn’t see the solved in the title ^^’ you might want to add your solution then? (: