u/jmattchew - originally from r/GenZhou
Question is in the title. I know that everything is more complicated than this, but is it a fair shorthand assessment or not? Could it be too simple to say that feudalism -> capitalism -> socialism, or is this actually the right way to look at it? Did the USSR fail because it went straight from feudalism to socialism and then introduced the wrong reforms?

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/AnkanBasu - originally from r/GenZhou
    USSR fall began because of Khrushchev’s revisionist policies and his softness towards the western block. This was further amplified when more and more incompetent leaders came to power, ultimately allowing traitors like Yeltsin and fools like Gorbachev to ruin everything. Grover Furr’s book “Khrushchev Lied” sheds light on it