u/askingquesti0ns - originally from r/GenZhou
Title. It seems like the US is becoming desperate for power and generally decaying; citizens are becoming more class conscious, leftism seems to be rising, etc.

But at the same time I constantly see people defending the US to no end and tons of propaganda, especially on Reddit’s front page. It seems like people still indulge in russophobia (especially recently) and especially sinophobia and believe all state talking points. People are defending Biden not doing what he promised, defending being exploited and lied to. I could go on.

Overall, I see more people that are still defending the US and bootlicking daily (especially during this war) compared to people who gain class consciousness. What do you think?

  • archive_botOPB
    2 years ago

    u/spellbanisher - originally from r/GenZhou
    USians are materially and psychologically devoted to American exceptionalism, which entails white supremacy and empire. The more empire deteriorates the more vigorously and viciously Americans will cling to their mythologies. The fact that people are going batshit crazy is evidence of declining empire. They can feel and see that things are falling apart, that material realities doesn’t match their ideologies, but they are too invested in the idea that American is the greatest thing that has ever existed to question their assumptions. So they must constantly conjure up ghosts and demons to explain the discrepancy between reality and their ideology. Thus liberals have made Putin into an all-pervading malevolent force manipulating the very fabric of American and global culture, politics, economy, society, etc. And you can’t even keep up with the conservative delusions. They invent a new conspiracy every week.