What are some of you folks using? I’m using MAL and only recently discovered they were open source, but couldn’t find anything on anilist’s website. Does anyone have a primary list and a backup list? I see this is a big discussion online and want some Lemmy opinions!

  • CodingOtaku
    3 years ago

    Is it really open-source? I don’t see any links on their website pointing to one.
    AniList is more modern But I don’t use it anymore as it ask me to solve Google’s reCAPTCHA when logging in.
    I currently use Kitsu; It’s more open source than both, and I am looking for other better alternatives because it gets buggy when my uBlock Origin blocks the trackers.

    • @suyrbn@lemmy.ml
      23 years ago

      You may want to take a look at anidb. It doesn’t connect to any third party domains, doesn’t have any ads, has pretty good search system and probably has the most comprehensive database out of all anime tracking sites (full character cast for most series, often with marked episode occurrences, appearing songs and sometimes full staff credits). On the downsides it uses Google reCAPTCHA for registering (not logging in or posting though), doesn’t have a manga database and might require a bit of getting used to.