Ceteris paribus, democracy is good.

There can also be a lot of complicated and locally specific dynamics complicating that, and sovereignty is important for the world working smoothly.

These two factors combine to make me pretty hesitant to comment too loudly on Hong Kong just because there’s so much I don’t know.

But here are a couple of things I do know:

  1. When you arrest nuns–here in the US, too–99 times out of 100, you’re the bad guy.
  2. A state applying pressure on the the Catholic Church to reshape its hierarchy (instead of issuing external criticism, etc.) is some real Borgia shit.
  • @Nevar@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Pipe Francis preaches on income inequality being bad and a need for all countries to address the problem: western media silent. China clamps down on political actions by catholic priests in Hong Kong being used as a conduit for western interests: special expose claiming loss of freedom of speech.