u/jmattchew - originally from r/GenZhou
I always see people saying that “anarchism is a meme”, does anyone have some brief examples of why, or some resources I can go to that will teach me why it’s a joke? Is it because society needs some sort of structures to succeed, and anarchism is basically “fuck all the rules”?

  • @archive_botOPB
    1033 years ago

    u/BertnardWashingbeard - originally from r/GenZhou
    Anarchism isn’t “fuck all the the rules”, it is its own thought out and developed ideology with its own theory and history. At the same time, no anarchist territory has ever lasted in any capacity for any length of time to prove it has any viability. It also does not have an answer for many things such as enforcement of law, basis for self preservation against counter revolution/ hostile takeover and the like. Anarchism is a “meme ideology” because of its lack of sustainability in the real world. Marx, Lenin, Engels and Stalin have all written about anarchism especially in the context of the question of Socialism or Anarchism. Reading their work is very helpful in that regard and you’ll find better explanations and arguments in the works of those revolutionaries than from me. On Authority by Engels might be the best piece to start with.