u/ouch_oof - originally from r/GenZhou
yk, the guy who kind of invented the whole cultural marxism crap and said that the soviets were subverting the united states. this guy is mostly loved by nazis and right-liberals. he claims to have worked for the KGB.

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    u/ouch_oof - originally from r/GenZhou
    yeah, i found a vid of one of his lectures on yt. the fact that ppl think he’s deep or anything that he says is valid is kind of sad. if leftists were taking over society then why do certain companies have monopolies on education (ahem collegeboard) to teach capitalist propaganda. plus, the people who complain about anti-imperialism being taught in schools have never read any western history textbooks. the whole point of companies co-opting woke language is for profit. western society is still very much capitalist and not moving towards socialism. woke libs != actual marxists.