u/About60Platypi - originally from r/GenZhou
The title is pretty self-explanatory. I don’t know much about socialism with Chinese characteristics, or the USSR post-Stalin, but my question is pretty simple.

Kruschev, Brezhnev, etc etc did market liberalization and its universally condemned by Marxists, whereas when figures like Deng or Xi embrace market liberalization its socialism with Chinese characteristics. Why wasn’t post-Stalin USSR socialism with “USSR characteristics” or something?

I’m sorry if this sounds ignorant, but I don’t understand why liberalization is good for one but not the other. Anybody have a good answer for this? Any videos or articles would be helpful along with your all’s explanations!

  • @archive_botOPB
    173 years ago

    u/TheEconomyYouFools - originally from r/GenZhou
    To build upon the points noted by Kittyabbygirl, if you’re looking for a good primer on understanding SWCC from a Marxist perspective, BayArea415 posted a pretty comprehensive breakdown on it that I would recommend.
