i dont understand why it’s a problem when another nation helps to get one or the other of the two excellent american candidates elected.
they’re not trying to elect a foreigner after all.
i dont understand why it’s a problem when another nation helps to get one or the other of the two excellent american candidates elected.
they’re not trying to elect a foreigner after all.
ours was into human poo, available under any bush because of capitalism
what if it was the fursuit of happiness?
for that, you want dogs.
so why do cats love to linger in doors then?
by that logic, everything is fine, Xi speaks english so china is subordinate to the US. why’s the US panicking?
yeah, keeping all the peace at home so there’s none left for the global south…
they were basically right, no? the US barely got scratched in ww2 and emerged as the world power. if anything, the nazis were good for the US.
accidentally, eh
why cant i hold all these prisoners?
yes. the west has been trying to do that in various ways since probably 1930
ahhh, https://xkcd.com/927/
but yeah, norway seems to be functioning with two different standard orthographies
they’re probably a pedo club. they have “protect kids” in their name, that’s a sure sign of
standard spellings will always privilege one dialect over the others. usually the dialect of the ruling elite.
the only way out of this is to not reform the spelling. letting it rot will eventually get you to something like english spelling, which is often so far from the pronunciation that it’s just equally bad for everyone. and STILL standard english spelling privileges the prestige dialects, just not as much as a more recent, more phonetic orthography.
why, there were no horses on the original hammer&sickle
they like the rot, they just want a thin layer of lacquer over it
we will be forced to become vampires, and shun the daystar!
from some other article on this:
“Britain’s chief rabbi criticised the government’s decision to suspend some arms export licences to Israel […] He said the move would bolster unfounded claims that Israel was in breach of international humanitarian law.”
you evidently can!
what you have to realize is that these arent materialist sanctions, they’re idealist sanctions. which is good news, since the clowns “in charge” of europe are idealists.
the shire was ~1400 years old by the time of the books, so not that recently.
but it was far from sauron’s borders, wasnt a great power, not even a kingdom. it was in the territory of what had been arnor, and he’d already smashed arnor a thousand years ago or more. sauron also didnt think much of the other factions of western middle earth, he basically thought that as long as he could defeat gondor and prevent the already failing elves from fucking around, he would win. there was no need for him to deal with random little settlements like the lossoth or the shire.
plus, it had the name “shire”, which is as generic as you can possibly get (Sûza is the Westron word for “province, sphere of occupation, division of a realm”,[1] visible in Sûza-t, “The Shire”).