From what I read it was over 8 years in development, it should’ve been well beyond a rework, or maybe even a couple, already.
I’m almost certain that Sony, as any boss, was quite done with the whole fiasco and just said “fuck it, let’s go” and just see what happens. It probably wasn’t worth the time and effort to keep putting resources into a project going nowhere.
Good bones? I thought the gameplay looked uninspired even taking into account it’s development age.
This is exactly it. The game seemed fine, but it wasn’t doing anything to steal you away from your other games. On top of that it is $40, so there is barrier to entry. I feel bad for the developers, but the marketing team did not do enough research.
I’m OOtL on this one. What/who is/was Concord? And what happened to it/them?
A new shooter that Sony launched a couple weeks ago and have subsequently cancelled and is offering refunds. So basically an astronomical waste of money.
About 100 million. Probably more, since they had a whole thing with animated episodes to tell the lore already produced.
Sucks for the devs, but it warms my heart to see Sony take a spiked dildo in the ass.
really sucks for the devs. 8 years of development for a game that lasted 6 days.
Try putting that on a resume
Another Overwatch clone that looks generic, and was shut down after a month bc of low player count. The company agreed to give everyone refunds.
2 weeks
itsnt it some generic looking shooter stuffed with micro-transactions? I really cant fathom why people even care when yet another live service “AAA” “game” gets shat out.