The link is a 4:03-minute embedded YT video and transcript. It’s informative, inspiring, and a home-run piece by The Breach imo.

Piped link for video:

Sarah Shamy, Palestinian Youth Movement Montreal: We’re really seeing the student movement be on the front lines of this movement, which is for Palestinian Liberation. Columbia University really sparked the initial fire that really kind of erupted and became a movement on its own, where students have been answering the call to set up encampments.

Miriam Liben, IJV Concordia: There was a video that we saw this morning of children in refugee camps in Gaza, holding up signs being like “thank you for your solidarity,” with McGill and Columbia and different names of different universities. I think that felt incredibly powerful.

Text: The media have also repeated McGill’s administration’s suggestion that antisemitism is rife in the encampment.

Mara Thompson, [Independent Jewish Voices] (IJV) McGill: I feel that McGill has played a really dangerous game and an irresponsible game by conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism. I feel that their consultation with the Jewish student body is totally incomplete. They disregard student referendums, and student testimonies and groups like IJV who are publicly anti-Zionist and still very rooted in their Jewish values. I think that conflating the two risks diluting what we understand antisemitism to be, which I think is really dangerous in the long term, since antisemitism is a threat.