Here’s the reason Article became a second class citizen…

In this issue I raised against Mastodon in 2017 (on a now defunct github account), Mastodon at the time treated Note and Article identically. In particular, it removed all the HTML except for ‘a’ tags - even from Article. This made federation with the elephant impossible for us. At this time the ActivityPub fediverse consisted of Hubzilla and Mastodon. Period. The specification wasn’t even final yet. Hubzilla provides long-form multi-media content, just like a blog. This content was completely destroyed by Mastodon’s HTML sanitizer, especially blockquotes, which displayed everything we quoted as original text and mis-attributed.

My proposal to the Mastodon team (which was basically Eugen) was to relax the input sanitisation on the Article type a bit , and Mastodon could have their plaintext Note and we could have our multi-media and the fediverse be one happy family. Regardless of the fact that HTML is specified as the default content-type for all content in ActivityPub.

The response from Eugen was to turn Article into a link, meaning our content wouldn’t be shown inline at all - and closing the issue. I believe this is the last time I ever communicated with Eugen and I will never, ever file another issue against Mastodon.

We started using Note instead, so that our messages would federate at all and knowing that Article would have been the most sensible choice.

We also need to strip all the images out of our perfectly renderable content and add them back in as attachments - otherwise they won’t be displayed on Mastodon. As it turns out, Mastodon only adds back 4 images and reverses the order. This is less than satisfactory because the source content lets us position text around each image, and it forces anybody with multi-media content to not only perform this unnecessary step, but also to check every attachment on import and see if it was already included in the HTML - or it will be displayed twice.

As far as I’m concerned, Mastodon should be taken to the mountain-top and cast into the volcano. But it appears we’re stuck with the infernal thing.

      2 months ago

      If there were somehow a strict definition of the Article spec, mastodon would simply ignore it.

      2 months ago

      Yep. Reading the spec gave me the impression that the authors wanted to create something that can do literally everything, not realizing that that makes it impossible to “fully” implement the spec.

      Does your application correctly render when I dislike the fact that a user removed a file from a group? That’s something you can represent in ActivityPub.

    2 months ago

    Yeah it’s detrimental that approaches used in other apps don’t render in mastodon. It weakens the potential of the fediverse, and for those that understand fedi = mastodon. Who knows how it will react to proposals for groups etc.

  • LÆ
    2 months ago

    @wakest I remember being quite frustrated about this as well. Does anyone know off the top of their heads what happens to a federated Article when it hits Mastodon? Does it get converted to a Note, or does it remain an Article object with its content stripped and replaced with title text and link?

      2 months ago

      It’s just basically just a link. (For mastodon. I think hometown inlines it somewhat properly.)

    2 months ago

    The way Macgirvin has summarised this else where is that mastodon’s lead dev wasn’t mature and competent enough to make good engineering decisions for the fediverse at large. That his platform became the dominant one is likely earned but also likely attributable to the fact that Gargron (masto BDFL) was young and keen enough to go all in at the right time…

    Which means, at this stage, dominance and immature mistakes and flaws are likely to go together (sounds familiar huh). Which means that for the fediverse to grow it has to go beyond mastodon. It just won’t happen until masto is ousted as the clear dominant platform. And in reality, I don’t see that happening any time soon the way things are going.