Slovak National Uprising (1944)

Tue Aug 29, 1944


Image: Convoy of Slovak insurgent army vehicles near Kelemeš (today part of Prešov) [Wikipedia]

On this day in 1944, a united front of anti-fascists launched an armed insurrection against Nazi and collaborationist forces in Slovakia. At least 12,000 were killed, but guerilla warfare continued until the country was liberated in 1945.

Although various parties (Czech communists, Slovakian ultranationalists) later tried to take credit for the resistance movement, the participants and supporters of the uprising represented every religion, class, age, and anti-Nazi political faction of the country, according to historian Stanislav Mičev.

Although the resistance was largely defeated by German forces, guerrilla operations continued until the Soviet Army, Czechoslovak Army, and Romanian Army liberated Fascist Slovakia in 1945. In total, at least 12,000 members of the Slovakian anti-fascist resistance lost their lives in the fighting.

The collaborationist government also executed Slovak people suspected of aiding the rebels, particularly Jews and Roma people - at least 211 mass graves were found after the war. The Slovak National Uprising is now commemorated as an annual holiday on August 29th in Slovakia.