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The original was posted on /r/thedeprogram by /u/KoreanJesus84 on 2023-08-13 07:01:07.


I’m sure we’ve all been trying to deprogram those around us and find that many times sharing the huge and momenumental accomplishments of socialist states doesn’t convince them. I believe it is because in the liberal brain one thinks individually, making the world small and personal in order to understand. And this is why explaing the systemic failings of capitalism, and thus advocating for systemic solutions, is so difficult.

But I feel like if we told them about the economic and political elections, how all positions had to be elected from your boss to your president, our audiences can see how this is an element of large systemic change that they’d notice in their everyday. I feel like it’s easier to explain to them how they’d be given true democratic freedom in all areas, as opposed to global class war. At least in the beginning.

Despite being a Marxist for years, I’ve only recently looked into how Cuba’s government functions. I knew all this theory, but here is living proof of socialism enriching the lives of those under it. And how is praxis anything but theory applied.

What’s your thoughts? What is the best method to deprogram?