• 84 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • It’s very difficult and dangerous to be near an MRI ‘shutting down’. Assuming what you mean is turning of the magnet. The magnet is always on, its a coil of superconducting wire submerged in liquid helium with a very large permanent current flowing around it. In order to turn off the magnet quickly, the electric current must be quenched, which can happen if the coil every stops being a super conductor. The current starts heating the coil, causing the liquid helium to boil off, which doesn’t cool the coils as efficiently, and causes a rapid run-away effect where huge volumes of helium explode out of the machine, displacing all the breathable air in the room and blasting all the doors off their hinges, maybe even breaking windows. There’s a lot of energy stored in the coil. It’s not easy to turn it off.

    Look up videos of MRI quenching

  • Well, it is technically differential equations, but with weighted inputs like a NN. Here’s the equations

    for each node (gene/morphogen) i. zi is the concentration of morphogen i, zj is that of j. f(x) is the sigmoid function, k1 is the maximum rate of expression, k2 is the degradation rate, b is the bias. wij is the weight for an edge from j to i.

    This is just written in python, so the network is defined by a matrix with each number representing the weight between two of the edges. I ignore the edge if it’s weight is zero.

    What are the standard symbols for genetic circuits?

    edit: sorry it’s impossible to see the equations if you have a black background.