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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 2nd, 2024


  • Just left the same comment. It was surreal for the few moments you were on the bridge.

    The other thing I remember vividly is the poor guy who ran up to one of the actors who was in full Klingon costume. The guy belted out some phrase in Klingon you know he had been rehearsing for weeks and stood there, proud and expectant. The actor glared down at him and in forceful English said, “I do not speak that dialect, human.”

    I’ve never seen someone’s dreams be shattered so visibly and thoroughly in so short a time.

  • I had the opportunity many years ago visit the Star Trek TNG experience in Vegas. There was a point where they rush you through the bridge of NCC-1701D. I had that same feeling in that moment.

    Which was the point of the experience, of course, and I know if I had stayed for more than a quick walk across the deck the sensation would have fallen apart. But in that moment I was in the place I had seen so many times before. It felt familiar and registered as the same.

  • Get two if you can, especially if the first inspector was recommended by your realtor. An inspector who gets work from a real estate agent is going to have an incentive not to jeopardize the sale, lest they not get called for the next one.

    On top of that little bit of misaligned motivation, of the three home inspections I’ve had none of them found things that ultimately ended up being problems. The most recent move I did the inspection myself, wrote up a little list with pictures, and got the seller to fix most of it right up.

    The OP is a first time home buyer and I wish them luck! Home ownership takes work even with the the best kept home. I just hope they take heed and go into it eyes wide open and we’ll informed as possible.

  • Got randomly screened once. Seemed normal until the next three people were also randomly selected. Two of those were attractive young women who now had to stand in a line with their arms out and get groped by a female TSA agent in the name of security. “Ah”, I thought. “I was the smoke screen so it didn’t look suspicious.”

    Can’t prove it but that is definitely how it looked to me.

  • I find this a fascinating phenomenon. Some of it is ignorance of the technology. Which I get because you can’t expect everyone to be experts (but if you don’t know the difference between a browser and your desktop just fuck off back to the bronze age).

    The other is a true lack of empathy in the context of communication. Being able to communicate effectively with an equal onus on both parties to understand and adapt the dialog until the information has effectively been transferred is not hard, really, but some people just don’t care enough about the person on the other end of the line to be bothered.

    That is infuriating when you’re trying to be helpful.

  • IANAL, but my family lives comfortably on our income. I’ve had the opportunity to peek behind the curtain and get to know (professionally) people with seven figure incomes and eight figure net worths. The “contempt born of familiarity” resonates for me, intimately.

    What surprised me and continues to haunt me is how trapped they are in the same system as the rest of us. They were keenly aware that not “playing the game” for even a moment would mean they’re out of it. No single millionaire can change anything much more than you or I. The system would destroy them for trying. Even if an entire company of top executives were to collectively band together and try to make change the market would dissolve their wealth in a heartbeat.

    And that is what keeps me up at night… there are no heroes, no saints, no saviors. Just a system put in place generations ago that is going to have to implode under its own weight, likely violently and at great human cost, for anything to get better.