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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I’m no fan of the media’s response to the Israel conflict, but is the former press secretary who hosts the show supposed to not talk to the current secretary of state? I’m not 100% sure why Brennan was there, but as the former director of the CIA he’s not completely out of place either.

    This is more an indictment of the MIC’s presence in government, not media.

  • I think what I’ve come to realize is that Biden is a good public servant but not a great president. He’s actually shockingly good at getting things done, he’s had a much more successful term than I ever expected, but he’s such a behind the scenes guy that almost no one knows. In my opinion the president needs to be front and center with their accomplishments, their successes need to be constantly pushed to people and they need to make a point of setting the tone for the national conversation around important issues. Biden hasn’t been particularly stellar at that and it’s why people think the strongest economy in the G7 is in the shitter and why this commenter thinks he screwed the rail workers, among myriad other things.

  • I don’t care hugely about aesthetics, my concern is non-standard form factors. I don’t know how a phone like the Z Folds can be made with removable batteries, one of the 2 batteries is literally sandwiched between 2 screens. Implementing this would take it from feeling like a brick to being literally the size of a brick. Hopefully tech improves enough by 2027 to negate my concerns but I don’t see how.