Finally the unity of opposites we’ve all been waiting for
All ur beanis are belong to us
Yeh I actually listened to that audiobook recently. I guess I’m looking for something a little more contemporary, in terms of how I can be a better man when it comes to my relationship to the patriarchy and to women? Like I’m doing ok I think but it’s always good to try and be better.
Thank you comrade!
Hopefully it’s good, I found outer worlds pretty mid
Third Meowumverate
Doesn’t really matter, Tesla doesn’t make money from selling cars. They make money from selling EV carbon credits to other car manufacturers. Plus collecting government subsidies.
They’d rather go to Israel and settle the West Bank lol (this isn’t a joke there’s really South Africans who did this for some unknown reason in the 90s)
most middle-class Jews in the west are functionally white in terms of their social relations tbh. Insisting otherwise is part of how Israel’s crimes are justified. Like how is a secular Jew in New York or whatever different to an American-Irish, american-German or whatever whose family arrived 100+ years ago? There’s no country the O’Malleys can go to do genocide just for fun (unless they have a Jewish grandma or something I guess)
What if it was Gyrodos and it was a giant sentient Greek wrap
In my experience the feds don’t have to fuck with most orgs. There’s plenty of idiots out there who couldn’t organise themselves out of a wet paper bag.
The five stages of grief:
Uh oh feeling quite sad
Clearly the most efficient way to read and write isn’t right to left, nor left to right. It would be alternative left —> right, right —> left each line so that you don’t have to “reset” back to the opposite side of the page after each line. The milliseconds saved each time, over an entire human lifetime, times all the literate people in the world? Think about it!
Oh my god yes. I’m so sick of “addicting”. I’m really not usually that guy about correct grammar and all that shit but fuck me, i haaaaaaaaaaaate “addicting”
Oh my god I’ve always noticed the red squiggle but never put together that it’s often Marxist terminology………
That isn’t one word
Broasting in an epic bread