I love to read and knit/crochet! 22 year old gay jewish dude you can also find me @gabowo@lemmy.world or on matrix

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Yep. And (obviously) America is going to one day be forced to come to that same understanding that Germany was painfully forced to. I’m just hopeful it doesn’t take a genocide or some sort of dictatorship for a similar reckoning to occur. Germany might not be perfect, but there are many things American society could learn from that exist within modern day German culture especially in regards to cultural reconciliation with historical wrongs. It’s hard to really describe how happy it makes me feel that as a Jewish person I can say I would feel very safe and welcome living in and visiting most places in Germany, but it also makes me sad to an immense degree that I can truthfully say I’d probably feel safer most places there than in the most places in the states right now… :(

  • I think the whole attitude of “oh just block the community and ignore it” really comes from a privilege of not having to deal with the way those communities tend to intersect negatively with vulnerable communities when they were ignored on reddit and the mess that caused. Blocking their biggest communities from your own account does not stop them from giving them the potential to join discussions in bad faith, DMing threats, open up potential doxxings, community brigading, harassment, etc. There comes a point where simply ignoring them does not work as they always try to force their bullshit into communities outside of them and stir trouble if they aren’t cut off preemptively. You aren’t deplatforming them by defederating them, you are taking away their megaphone and potential to cause real harm those exact communities have shown to do time and time again in the past.

  • Everyone jumps to the most wonderous conclusion possible when it comes alien life, but this in my opinion is the most plausible likelihood. Humanity is not only a relatively new civilization, but it would also kind of make sense that in the grand scheme of things we aren’t really all that important as a species. We only just reached our own moon less than 100 years ago. I think the idea of humanity being just a mediocre species in the grand scheme of things is scarier thought to some people over the idea that we are of some unique importance.

    It would also make sense given that lots of “official” declassified reports of UAP/UFOs tend to focus around nuclear and military testing sites as well as active war zones. Kind of like they are checking to make sure we aren’t annihilating ourselves. I can just imagine an alien civilization laughing over the fact those stupid hairless apes got into another war and being informed in sheer horror that not only did we split the atom, we used it as a weapon against our own kind just to see what would happen instead of using it as an energy source.

  • I’m pretty sure currently only admins of the instance you are on can block entire instances for everyone, but I think such a move is a good idea to allow users to block entire instances too. Maybe making a suggestion for the lemmy developers for it would be a good idea if its not there yet?

    There is a feature in your settings to disable nsfw content as well as mentioned too for the time being, but it won’t block that entire instance unfortunately.

  • They could just host it offshore then and if it comes to it people who truly wanted to access it could just use a VPN. They’d be shooting themselves in the foot by causing awareness of the public about it as well. It’s really hard for a government to “ban” an app or service online unless they’d plan on setting up great firewall-esque system, and not only is that extremely expensive but its very imperfect and glitchy due to the nature of the internet as a whole. I know even then people say “oh they’ll just ban vpns then” it goes back to the same thing above. Like, they can make it kind of harder to access but they aren’t fully “banning” it no matter how hard they try to and I think the general population here would fully be capable of finding ways around such restrictions.

  • One of the very few lessons we should probably take from tumblrs playbook but making the platform so actively hostile to corporations by dunking on them and memeing them so hard that the mere mention of lemmy sends shivers down their CEOs spines. The advertising value of tumblr post buyout literally dropped to around 1% of its worth due to the active hostility within the community to any corporate interactions.

    Also what ground would they have on a lawsuit? It’s federation based, if they sue one instance to it shutting down another can just pop up.