• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2024


  • No, they can’t. I’m not saying they aren’t full of shit but they have to look at how much they could get from Netflix/Apple or whoever and calculate the opportunity cost of licensing vs running their own service. They’ll want to factor in control, branding, etc., etc.

    They’re greedy fuckers trying to maximize their bloodsucking…errr…profits.

    When they hit a subscription price that loses enough subscribers to make licensing appealing they’ll either lower the price or license the content.

    As long as people will pay enough to make running their own service the most profitable option, that’s what they’ll do. And they’ll squeeze subscribers to their breaking point.

  • I love how it’s called ´Sapphires’ and there is one gem in the painting. There is blue in the curtain, in the dress, in the turban and, very subtly, in the eyes. The little bit of orange in her hand and the turban set them all off nicely. The gem only barely stands out as brighter than the other blues. The eyes, though so subtle, make me think they might be the real reason for the title.

  • In don’t think anyone can tell you from a photo. You need an arborist to look at it.

    You can talk to the neighbor and express your concern. Ideally, have a paper trail in case something does happen.

    You can have an arborist trim any branches hanging over your property without asking the neighbor.

    I would get an estimate from a couple arborists for the trimming what’s over your yard. Then, approach the neighbor and offer to pay that amount towards having the whole thing trimmed—must include trimming the parts over your yard.

    I wouldn’t pay until the work is done.

    If you don’t know the neighbor at all and/or can’t be sure they’re trustworthy, I’d just get the part over your yard done.

  • Sounds like the attack bypasses the VPN entirely. It’s not a worry on your home network if you control the DHCP server. But, on public networks, where you really should always use a VPN, you can’t be sure your traffic is going through the VPN.

    Maybe, you can check a trusted site like the VPN provider’s webpage to see if you’re going through the VPN. But, a really sophisticated attack could potentially route just that traffic through the VPN and everything else outside of it.

    If my reading of it is correct.