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Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Giga Chad as a concept is used by whoever wants to use it to justify anything they want by saying “'cause I’m a Chad”. In the same way that Chuck Norris did. 90% of the memes for each can be replaced with the other and lose almost no relevance. Someone can use a giga Chad meme to say “women’s rights are a joke” and the same for Chuck Norris. They can also say “defending the homies when they want to share their feelings to the bros”. I’m not saying the Chuck Norris memes are guilty free or whatever, but the giga Chad memes are far being used only for “making yourself a better person”

  • It’s not about being accomplished for most of them anymore. It’s about not letting go of their power. They won’t admit to themselves that they’re old or the world has changed. They grip desperately to their seat and their power because they “can still do it”, and they “know what’s best”.

    People who have had a senile friend or family member have seen similar stuff plenty of times. Older adults who can’t even close their hands all the way or remember that they dont have shoes on will argue and fight, sometimes violently, that they can still do something. For example, still cook with an open flame despite catching their house on fire three separate times. Or that they can still drive despite not seeing past their fingertips and not knowing what city they’re in.

    There is a thing called aging gracefully that involves accepting the difficulties of getting older and passing the torch, and clearly a large number of politicians are having a serious problem with it.

  • After reading all the comments about wanting his life to be over and the counters about feeling bad for him etc. I think ive come to a conclusion on how to ethically handle him.

    I’m going to laugh. I’m going to laugh at how foolish he looks having a stroke on stage. How despite all of the terrible things he has done to this country on a socio-economic level trying to line his pockets and stay in power, he is standing up there, feeble and barely coherent, looking like he simultaneously shat himself and forgot his name, I’m going to laugh.

    Because if he wants any semblance of dignity, any ounce of respect, he needs to admit that he is done and bow out.

    “But he is still human, have some empathy” No, why should I? This man has engineered tearing the country apart so he can put his grubby hands all over it and smear it in his own grease. And he is still trying to keep doing it!

    What I see up there is an old man trying to walk across the freeway, with a dozen people telling him not to. And he is not only ignoring them but lifting his nose high and walking out into the road anyway. So when I see that mack truck hit him like it did on that stage, I laugh.

  • Without going on a whole dissertation, there are a lot of aspects that have to be figured out for a government sanctioned execution to occur.

    You could in theory just have an officer whip out a shotgun and bang, problem solved, much like you mentioned with suicide. But when it’s sanctioned by the government you have to be very discerning with a lot of different details.

    Why are we ending this person’s life

    Because we have deemed their actions excessively heinous and do not want them to drain further on society by being incarcerated

    In ending their life should we be causing them pain?

    Huge debate, but the main reason we use lethal injection or gas executions instead now is to end their life without pain or torture. Ideally a person would just be turned off like a light without them even noticing.

    How can you be sure you got the right person

    Big question, but we are talking execution

    What if the execution fails or goes incorrectly, now we’ve maimed someone and caused undue suffering, which as a people we have decided we wouldn’t do.

    Exactly. That’s why there are so many issues surrounding lethal injection chemicals and sources. How do you create these chemicals properly and precisely, without spending excess money or profiting off govt sanctioned murder.

    Why not carbon monoxide?

    Short answer, it’s flammable and dangerous to the people performing the executions. That’s why nitrogen is a decent possibility for something like this, it is inert, common, and can be acquired and vented away with little issue.

  • I see what you’re getting at, but the point of keeping this person anonymous is to lessen their ability to be used by people as a symbol or turn them into a martyr. It’s far easier for bigots to say “remember Joe Johnson, we fight for him or whatever” and spin it their way than it is to say “remember that guy who shot the guy who hung up a flag? He’s our man!”

    Not tying a name to the criminal prevents them from being immortalized because they’re not “Joe the defender” or whatever, they’re “a murderer”. There will still be bigots out there for sure, but leaving this person nameless gives them one less thing to latch on to.