• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Coming at this from a very basic level, but I’m wondering if this could help me.

    I have such an unnecessarily hard time with Bluetooth. I have all kinds of devices (usually speakers, headphones and such) which I don’t use, because switching them between input devices can be like pulling teeth.

    For example:

    • at my desk with my wired headphones watching something in tbe background I’m enjoying
    • need to do something at my workbench, which has a chromecast on a monitor
    • I can cast the video there, but I don’t want to use the big speakers because it’s late
    • my small wireless speaker is paired to my phone, I can’t remember how to re-pair, don’t want to go through Chromecast settings
    • same with my earbuds
    • end up ‘watching’ on my phone because it’s too much effort to use the actual TV!

    I’ve been thinking about making a physical central BT ‘broadcaster’ which I pair everything to. It would be able to take multiple aux or bluetooth inputs, and would have a switch or mixer to control the inputs.

    Would something like this help with any of those issues without having to build something like that (which also wouldn’t be optimal)?

    Im on mobile, and some of those features have gone way over my head!

  • Nonzero, but realistically, what chain of fuckups would have to happen to actually cause a fire here? Maybe if you left a tin of hairspray inside the chamber along with some paper or rags or something, even then, you’d be insanely unlucky.

    The ‘tearing itself apart’ seems to refer to s simple collision, printing when there’s an object on the bed. Obviously not good, but it was just a normal print otherwise.

    Yeah it could be printing something private, but if you’re using a liklihood * severity assessment, it’s hardly worth mentioning.

    Obviously not arguing that this is a good thing, but I think people are being a bit hyperbolic. Fire risk should be no greater than during any other print. Damage to the printer would be a concern, but usually the printed part will simply dislodge. I don’t know if it has any kind of crash protection?

    So yeah its bad, and they need to do more to prevent this. Equally, it’s a rare issue with a pretty low risk profile, that should be easy for consumers to mitigate against by simply switching it off

  • I love Linux, but I do generally consider it a special-purpose OS. Servers, embedded stuff, etc, I will always go with some flavour of Linux.

    But for a daily driver I do struggle imagining using anything other than Windows. Like sure, I could probably get all my games and CAD software working in a Linux OS. But I can easily grab Win10 LTSB and have everything just work. I have to make a living from my machine, and ultimately I just need it to work.

    If I was doing just web and office work, then it would be no harder really, but I’ve finally accepted that not everything should be a project!

  • The server is amazing, way quieter than I expected, I had a whole soundproofed rack planned, but the fans just chill at 20%! I think it’ll be almost silent once I have the rack built.

    Lots of people get on okay with it, and I’m not the most experienced, but docker problems with Scale seem to be common, and the direction TrueNAS is going with Scale isn’t going to make it any better.

    I think Core is a bit better. But I’m definitely going to move away from it for Docker. Unraid was so easy for Docker, and I see it has ZFS support now, I’ll let you know how I get on.

    Also, don’t forget the 720 has an internal USB port, because I did!