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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Wouldn’t be the first time and prolly won’t be the last time.


    Jamestowne is home to the ruins of the first permanent English settlement in North America.

    104 settlers but only 38 survived

    Despite writing describing cannibalism:

    “Haveinge fedd upon our horses and other beastes as longe as they Lasted, we weare gladd to make shifte with vermin as doggs Catts, Ratts and myce…as to eate Bootes shoes or any other leather,” he wrote. “And now famin beginneinge to Looke gastely and pale in every face, thatt notheinge was Spared to mainteyne Lyfe and to doe those things which seame incredible, as to digge upp deade corpes outt of graves and to eate them. And some have Licked upp the Bloode which hathe fallen from their weake fellowes.”

    Direct evidence of cannibalism at Jamestown, the oldest permanent English colony in the Americas was elusive until recently finding “bones in a trash pit, all cut and chopped up, it’s clear that this body was dismembered for consumption.”


  • Several presidents have put tax dollars to work on medical research. For example the The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) paved the way for money for the PreP trials in 2005.

    Obama kicked off precision medicine and gene research.

    Obama’s HITECH Act reformed HIPAA in a way that improved outcomes for patients and the industry.

    But yea, everything is black and white. Conflicts in Africa and the middle east are the only concern I could ever have.

    I especially do not care at all about any medical advancements or harm reductions.

    Everyone must survive and no one can ever be harmed or everything is lost.

    You know you sound just like the every sperm is sacred anti abortion activists.

    War = so bad we must sabotage anyone involved in war and trade all our liberties, freedoms, health, etc just to not have war!

  • Hurry up and wait.

    If you’re a specialist that’s needed for a specific task you might have to travel a long way.

    You probably already have bags packed. You probably already have a limited power of attorney or will. You might write some checks out for rent/bills. You might make sure your gf/wife/dependa has some condoms ready for Jody. You might want to make sure you have childcare someone to watch your dog, someone to start or charge your car while gone or you might arrange for someone to put the car on parked status for cheaper insurance and just jump it or buy a new battery when you get back.

    You prolly make sure all your CBTs are done and maybe if you don’t already have it done you get a checklist of shit to do on base. That quickly turns into a series of quests just like that video game you hate.

    Then if you do deploy you get a call and possibly have to call some else on a phone tree and go HURRY UP AND WAIT.

  • We’re you refered to physical therapy after breaking your foot? Or are you able to see if insurance will pay because your mobility has been reduced?

    I had several injuries in the military that left me unable to stand, walk, drive a car, or balance for very long. With the help of physical therapy I was eventually able to walk properly, then after some time I was able to take a ride to work a job where I was sometimes sitting but often standing. Eventually I was able to work and exercise enough that I got all my balance and mobility back.

    Having public transit helped me when I still didn’t have enough fine motor control to operate a pedal and brake.

    Not everyone is on the same journey, but please see if you can access physical therapy. Please advocate for not just healing but making yourself whole.

  • Lenovo legion is worth a consideration.

    Do some research on what you can or cannot upgrade e.g. RAM and m2 drives. Look at notebookcheck website. Consider if you want a screen without PWM.

    you don’t have to go top of the line to get a good system. Also considering finding what you want and waiting for black Friday or a similar sale. The discounts can be worth it! X1 carbon extreme can get deep discounts for example.

  • They will trade in the Confidentiality and Integrity for just Availability.

    When something like a hack finally drops the availability they will be forced to act.

    They will never do a pentest tho.

    Same story all over from government, small companies, all the way up to medical in big corporate hospitals and systems that could cause harm to human life.

    Security is at most a checkbox somewhere that just gets checked regardless of the true state of the system. If it still works don’t fix it.