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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023

  • Preventing brain drain

    So the state should have control over who goes out of the country and who doesn’t? Freedom of movement is a human right. You know that, right?

    see this page https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Holodomor and the one linked at the top there as well.

    Bruh… Seriously? You talk about western propaganda when you link an article that references a website called “StalinSociety”? Come on now…

    They don’t.

    Uhhh I was referencing Soviet occupied countries like Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Czechia, etc.

    Why are you refusing to talk about them? Go ahead. Talk about them

    Uggh cuz it’s fkin obvious, that’s why. Cult leader, no democracy, public executions (source being North Korean asylum seekers. Oh, but they must be western propaganda too, amirite?), suppression of freedom of speech, suppression of freedom of movement, etc.

    who cares serious

    See? That’s your problem. “They fucked athiests, so we fuck them back”. You’re just like them. I am safe near you right now because I agree with you. What if I don’t? Religion plays a major role in people’s identities. That’s dumb, sure. But that doesn’t harm you in any way. Sure, tax the churches. Do all that. However, if someone wants to practice their religion, let them be.

    So that they could develop their own tech solutions. I don’t see what’s so difficult about it. Oh, the horror, China does not have access to shitty braindead tiktoks, we need to bring them freedom in the form of ICBMs! Seriously, who gives a shit. Have you asked the Chinese what they think of the firewall? They don’t care. They love their local tech solutions, their own social media, and the laws surrounding it. They get a VPN if they want to see whatever the fuck racist crackers are saying about them and COVID-19 conspiracy theories. And then they realize, damn we have it good in China.

    So the internet is just for braindead tiktoks? Is it not for free media that criticizes the government? Is it not for ideas outside the official governmental/societal narrative? Do economically protectionist policies justify suppressing an individuals right to free information/education? I can access Chinese socialism and its workings from official chinese sources freely. Can a Chinese individual do the same via Google without a VPN? I can have e2ee conversations with my friends via Signal (which has no privacy issues too) about communist ideals. Can a Chinese individual say “Fuck the CCP and Jinping the Pooh” on Signal? No, cuz Signal (an open sourced application) is banned in China.

  • We’re trying to educate you on socialism

    I fail to see how you managed to do that. I did not learn anything new about socialism. Sure, I learnt that East Germany decriminalized homosexuality one year before West Germany. I learnt that the original USSR constitution had legalized homosexuality. I also learnt that this positive trend reversed in the years that followed. I also learnt that there are quite a few of my socialist comrades who weirdly glorify authoritarian states in history (I saw a few defending the DPRK).

  • You think one of the most sanctioned countries in history that’s been spending years and years trying to build cities and roads, you think they’d have time/infrastructure to bring all of their citizens WiFi? Do you know even half of what goes into making an internet network, let alone without the support of other nations?

    So are you telling me that there is no internet in North Korea? What’s this then? A north korean showing how wonderful life is in Pyongyang on Tiktok. So there IS internet access in North Korea for average citizens, right? Or… maybe there is internet access only for a select few individuals, part of an effort in spreading state propaganda. Therefore, is the state prioritizing state propaganda efforts more than an individual’s right to free information and media? Forget North Korea. Look at China. Why do they still have the great firewall up? They clearly have very well developed internet infrastructure. Why don’t they allow their citizens access to the outside world?

    United Nations Security Council 2397. Read it.

    I just did. It does permit North Koreans from working abroad. It however does not prevent them from seeking asylum. Why do all North Korean asylum seekers have to smuggle themselves through China and other countries, without being caught to reach South Korea? If South Korea was the one to refuse entry to them, why do they still grant these people asylum?

    Google “Juche.”

    “Juche as a philosophy includes three basic elements: Nature, Society, and Man. Man transforms Nature and is the master of Society and his own destiny. The dynamic heart of Juche is the leader, who is considered the center of society and its guiding element. Juche is thus the guiding idea of the people’s activities and the country’s development.” How is not any different than fascism? “The Man, the central element that guides society”, aka the “Fuhrer”. Absolute control on media, “molding and mobilizing the people as communists”, aka purging of non-communist ideology and people who take part in that ideology… Like… Come on mate…

    What does this even mean, link a video to it, I am genuinely curious as to what this is even referencing.




    What I mean by “knowledgeable people” is people who can see past the western propaganda to take a critical look at past socialist 'experiments. You, clearly, still can’t see past things at surface value. Everything is black and white to you. Why can’t you look at history, current dynamics, sanctions, foreign pressure, etc, etc. Instead, you go to flinging petty insults at people whose side you should be on! You say you want something that is very very different than the soviet union? Then, I’m afraid you don’t want socialism.

    If that is your definition of “knowledgeable” then you’re missing one very critical element. You’re missing the part where you need to look past all propaganda, which includes Chinese/Soviet/North Korean, etc. sponsored propaganda. Things are not black and white to me. I understand (or at least try to) individual ideas that are good and bad from all corners of the world. The soviet union did some things right. It did many things wrong. I want to replicate the things it did right. I do not want to replicate the things it did wrong. China lifted millions of people from poverty. I want to copy the methods that they used to do this. This does not mean that I want to erect a firewall to prevent my countrymen from accessing the outside world. I want collective ownership over means of production. I want unions to exist. However, I do not want to run over my own countrymen with tanks because they disagreed with me. I am an athiest. I want a society free from the shackles of religion. However, I do not want to outright ban religion. I want free elections. I want to go even further and have direct democratic practices in all possible places. I do not want a state monopolized media. I do not want the President of my country to be President for life. I want socialism. I do not want authoritarianism. I do not want there to be a super powerful class posing as “political leaders”. I want public housing, healthcare, education, etc. I want collective ownership over AI. At the same time, I still want to be able to make fun of the President. So on and so forth…

  • UraniumBlazer@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlfixed cyberghost's "meme"
    1 year ago

    Of course /s. Germany, with Fuhrer Schultz, Denmark with Grand Admiral Frederiksen (I had to look it up lmao), and Canada with Supreme Commander Trudeau. All of them are actively involved in passing legislation against socialists and Muslims. All of them are involved in gathering Muslims into re-education camps. When socialists protested their respective governments for starting to become capitalist, they were run over by tanks. Also, all of these governments prevent their citizens from accessing the internet outside their own countries. Agreed! Very fascist indeed!

  • In Cuba if your family disowns you after coming out, you can sue them for child support That’s the case everywhere lol. Disowning a child does not exempt parents from paying child support. Child support only stops when the parents’ rights are terminated by the state or when someone adopts the child.

    As for the transphobic legislation, you’re right. Which is why I said “parts of the US”.

  • So your sole criteria for freedom is if a country has queer rights? Well no. Many more things. Queer rights are just one of these parameters that are easily visible in my opinion. Let’s talk about freedom of speech however. I can access the internet in any way that I want in Canada. Can I do that in China? Nope! Say hello to the great firewall! I can protest the government (mostly) in western countries. When I do that in China, I get run over by tanks. Tiananmen Square massacre much? Oh… is that western propaganda too now? I can make fun of Biden, Trudeau, Trump, etc. Can I do that in China?

    Being a socialist doesn’t mean I have to glorify any of the former/present socialist countries and ignore their problems (which there are A LOT of).

  • I never said that. There were many things that socialist governments did very well. I’m literally a socialist. It would be hypocritical of me not to approve of these policies. Now that being said, I don’t feel the need to glorify these same states either. There were MANY things that they did VERY badly. I do not want to replicate these governments. When I say that I want to implement socialist policies, I do not mean that I want to have a great firewall. By this, I do not mean censorship of literally every fkin thing.

    I do not have to idolize former or present socialist governments to be a socialist.

  • I wasn’t aware of queer history in East Germany. Thank you guys for enlightening me there. I am also very happy for Cuba for the strides that they have taken in relation to queer rights.

    That being said, calling them “literally the most progressive country in human history in terms of queer rights” is very dumb. Most of western Europe, Canada and even parts of the US to a certain degree are as progressive as one may get in terms of queer rights, both legally and socially.

  • Okay, so I read up more about homosexuality in the Soviet Union. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism_and_LGBT_rights#Soviet_Union From the looks of it, it was legally quite open during Lenin, but progressively got worse with time. I don’t think we even need to talk about modern Russia’s position on it. Let’s look at China. Why can’t same sex families adopt children?

    In case of Vietnam, again… let’s look at suppression of freedom of speech. Why isn’t the press free?

    The DPRK isn’t perfect… Omg wtf are you talking about? Why then aren’t they allowed access to the internet? Why are they still stuck in the 70s? Why aren’t North Koreans allowed to emigrate to South Korea? Why is the Kim family in power for so long and uncontested? When was the last North Korean election? Who was the prime contender? Why is some soul crushing music played every morning in Pyongyang? Or are the videos of that western propaganda too? The DPRK is literally the most dystopian place on the face of this planet.

    knowledgeable people Define “knowledgeable people”… Sure, western propaganda is definitely a thing. So is Chinese/Russian propaganda. Again… I’m not defending the west anywhere here. All I’m doing is refusing to idolize the socialist governments of the past and the present like the USSR. When I say I want a “socialist future”, I do not mean that I want the Soviet Union. What I want is something that is very very different than that nightmare.

  • Fair. Here r some arguments for you:

    • The Berlin Wall: Why wasn’t I, as an East German permitted to go west if I wanted to? Why were families separated during the entire thing? Was it to keep the hopeless western Germans from emigrating to the East?
    • The Holodomor: Why did the Soviet Union commit genocide against its own citizens?
    • Freedom of speech: Why would the KGB be on my ass if I said anything against the State? Why wasn’t the media critical of the government? Why was Chornobyl covered up?
    • Why did the USSR destabilize Afghanistan?: Wasn’t this an act of imperialism? Or were they trying to liberate the poor wittle Afghani children by killing them using cruel weapons like butterfly mines? Did the USSR really need to go in there
    • Why do literally all Eastern European countries hate Soviet rule? Had they loved it, they surely would’ve kept the policies of the USSR, right? Or is the CIA involved here too?
    • North Korea: Let’s not even talk about them…
    • Why was state enforced atheism a thing in the USSR? I am an atheist. However, I still believe that everyone should have the right to have faith in whatever institutions that they seem fit. Is that dumb? Yes. Should the state get to decide what’s dumb and not? No.
    • China: Why is the great firewall a thing? Why do they refuse to allow their citizens to connect to the wider world?

    Now, someone here is most definitely going to come up with the “but the US did XYZ” argument. And I wouldn’t disagree there. However, this isn’t a competition of “who’s the bigger asshole”. Glorifying any states or institutions is plain dumb. As a socialist, I want to do good for the people of the world. I can’t do good if I ignore the atrocities committed by the people “on my team”.

  • Because almost all of them (not Marx) are authoritarian power hungry dictators/dictatorships? Seriously… Is OP implying that East Germany was a good socialist country? Wtf are they on? Did the USSR have queer rights? What about Vietnam? NORTH KOREA!!! Animals have better rights there. OP is either a fourteen year old, terminally on discord, bullied dude. If that is the case, I’m sorry. Have been there… However, if this is not the case, then OP is just extremely extremely stupid.