• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The Israel and Palestine situation is way too complicated to be left to “I support Israel.” Support in what way? Their existence? Their military campaigns? Their government? Their settlements? Everything they’ve ever done ever?

    Do you then oppose everything done by people from Palestine? Do you then oppose the existence of Palestine?

    In my opinion it’s not okay to leave your opinion as that simple. If that’s all you’ve got your opinion is bad because it’s simplistic, not because it supports a particular side.

  • Entirely ignoring who is at burning man or why, I honestly think there needs to be a line somewhere for sympathy. If you truck yourself out into the desert and things go tits up, well, shit happens. That’s the risk you took.

    I say this as a person who used to ride motorcycles, rock climb, and go backpacking. If shit ever went down I wouldn’t have expected any sympathy. I put myself in those risky situations, and there’s just plain gotta be a line for personal responsibility.

    With all that being said, when such a massive group of people continuely take the same risk over and over, it’s kinda funny when they finally get bit. It’s the same reason COVID denires getting COVID is funny.

  • Okay good, I just wanted to double check that what was in my head was correct.

    Right now if you want to reply from your inbox you long press on the empty space to the right of the person’s username in order to get the action bar underneath to show up.

    Yes, I know, it’s a dumb UI bug/implementation, especially since it’s inconsistent with the general thread behavior of the action bar, and the check box in the settings doesn’t seem to impact its behavior.

    Anyway, once you’ve got the action bar you can reply directly in your inbox with the little conversation bubble in the lower right. You can also go directly to the reply in the post using the link icon to the left-ish. You can mark the message as read using the other conversation looking icon somewhere in between the two I just referenced.

    I’ll come back in here and add screenshots in a second.