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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • As always, the problem is our economic system that has funneled every gain and advance to the benefit of the few. The speed of this change will make it impossible to ignore the need for a new system. If it wasn’t for AI, we would just boil the frog like always. But let’s remember the real issue.

    If a free food generating machine is seen as evil for taking jobs, the free food machine wouldn’t be the issue. Stop protesting AI, start protesting affluent society. We would still be suffering under them even if we had destroyed the loom.

  • It’s like nobody cares to even touch base level understanding of the tools they are using.

    Can we stop framing this as if llms have actual intent?

    This shouldn’t surprise me given how many people think that we have access to the literal word of God, but they don’t even read the damned book they base their lives and social directives around.

    Or is it that “news” sources intentionally leave out basic details to ramp up the story?

    Ignore the note on the page you are using that says info might not be accurate. Blame the chat bot for your unprofessional ineptitude.

    You shouldn’t even be putting that level of blind trust into human beings, or even Wikipedia without checking sources.

    Guess what, when i use bots for info, i ask for the sources, and check the original sources. Really not difficult, and I’m not being paid half as much as the people I keep seeing in these news articles.

    Maybe this should make it more obvious how wealth is not accrued due to competence and ability.

    Or for having reliable news. I feel like i live in a world controlled by children.

  • give us a way to fix the issue without relying on the idiots at the top being decent human beings.

    if you can fix that issue then we wouldn’t have so much of a problem.

    i’d expect AI to help through information processing for research and engineering. current AI tools are already useful to many as co-pilot tools. not everyone is creative enough to get use out of AI, but we are moving towards being able to dictate and gesture in natural language to optimize some things that may have taken a lot more time. it’s also valuable for certain efforts in optimization and engineering. does everyone hate alphafold now too?

    i think a lot of the AI hate right now is from the fact that it takes thought and creative use to get the most out of available tools. as we all learned, if it isn’t already “AGI” it’s 100% useless for everything forever.

  • bitcoin never had a use other than “will become valuable?”

    many (myself included) believe this technology will probably be the only one that will develop fast enough to actually help with the climate crisis.

    optimizing research and academia as well as environmental issues through information processing. people are excitedly talking about automated proof-checking and context finders that can sift through hundred of papers while you check your coffee. this stuff is good for science and science is good for environmentalism. maybe go after the politicians and companies that are not possibly going to be a benefit in the struggle against environmental collapse.

    why do people keep relating it to bitcoin? because it uses GPUs? that’s literally the only connection.

    somehow people have associated it with crypto and NFTs as if they are even mildly related. perhaps because those things are easier to hate, so why not associate them.

  • hey, that’s a better critique or commentary than in the onion article.

    while i don’t doubt people are trying to shove AI into a lot of places it’s not optimal yet, (which is entirely fair and reasonable to point out) i don’t think that’s a fair reason to poo-poo any use or positivity about AI in any context.

    rather, it’s become a really big fad to hate on AI and insult anyone who uses it. i mean, the technology is still young, but the stuff it’s already doing was “impossible” and “never going to happen” a few years ago. now we are developing things like text to 3d, which makes me excited for a future environment where you can dictate design and animation for entire animated experiences/movies.

    independent creatives will have a blast with it. salty onion article writer will be angrily yelling at his computer.

  • the sentiment being any positive opinion on AI? yes, like i said i’d forgive it if were funny or clever.

    it is literally just “people who like this thing are bad and dumb and useless and the world hates them.”

    really top quality satire. they sure did show how useless AI is and how dumb the fans are.

    maybe they could at least target the failure use-cases? some bad business AI ideas that are doomed to fail?

    nope, just reddit comment quality insults.

  • Salty writer fears being made obsolete by beep boop. Insults every AI enthusiast as well successful engineers and scientists.

    i hate how popular it’s become to hate on AI amongst people who know little to nothing about it.

    Id forgive it if it were clever or funny, but this is really just obviously salty ad hominem strawmanning by someone who doesn’t understand or appreciate the technology

    Guess what fam, we are in the copilot tool phase. You can learn how to use these new tools AND learn how to be creative. Maybe then you could ask it to critique the humour in your satire article. Perhaps it would be more clever than “people who like this thing I don’t like are dumb, and can’t be creative or better than me In any way, because I’m cooler than AI will ever be!!! You nerds are stooooopid!!”

    Because that’s how it read.

  • People like to push the negative human qualities onto theoretical future A.I.

    There’s no reason to assume that it will be unreasonably selfish, egotistical, impatient, or anything else you expect from most humans.

    Rather, if it is more intelligent than humans from most perspectives, it will likely be able to understand more levels of nuance in interactions where humans fall back on monkeybrain heuristics that are damaging at every level.

    There’s also the paradox that keeps the most ethically qualified people away from positions of power, as they have no desire to dominate and demand or control others.

    I absolutely agree with you.

  • The yudd is a silly person. On the note of utopias, to me the solution has been long obvious. One of the most important future developments understanding processes like intelligence and AI will be to intentionally adjust ourselves to fix our inability to adapt to utopian society. It’s mostly a matter of preserving both longevity of contentment and freedom of agency in sculpting our preferences and activities.

    Allow me to choose to be contented in an action or activity as i please, and that is true freedom.

    Although I’m personally more excited about the absence of pain and stress than of attaining freedom from boredom.

  • I’m no fan of meta, but a reminder that they are one of the best right now for keeping their AI developments more open and available. This is thanks to yann lecun and other researchers pressuring meta to keep their info on the subject more open.

    Are we looking to punish them for making their work accessible?

    Not to mention how important something like joint embedded predictive architecture could be for the future of alignment and real world training/learning. Maybe go after other foundation model developers to be more open, if we’re complaining about the inevitably public nature of some information within the mountainous datasets being used.

    Although I’m still of the mindset that the model intent matters more than the use of openly available data in training. I.E. I’ve been shouting about models being used specifically to predict and manipulate user interactions/habits for the better part of a decade. For your “customized advertisements” and the like.

    The general public and media interaction on the topic this past year has been insufferably out of touch.

  • Can we talk more about deceptive patterns? I had my computer go down recently, and I was reminded just how bad mobile is.

    Pick a game at random and I’ll show you a dozen direct and intentional manipulations to get you into the habit and environment they want you to be in for optimal resource extraction. I miss when games were an artform rather than a human habit adjusting set of professionally designed manipulations that can annoy you into the right mindset to give money. Not to mention the advertisements which range from absolute fabrication to actual scam.

  • So we kill open source models, and proprietary data models like adobe are fine, so they can be the only resource and continue rent seeking while independent artists can eat dirt.

    Whether or not the model learned from my art is probably not going to affect me in any way shape or form, unless I’m worried about being used as a prompt so people could use me as a compass while directing their new image aesthetic. Disney/warner could already hire someone to do that 100% legally, so it’s just the other peasants im worried about. I don’t think the peasants are the problem when it comes to the wellbeing and support of artists