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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • GrindingGears@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlF#€k $pez
    10 months ago

    I treat Reddit like I treat twitter. When something happens, I look at it to get a read on the situation, or what people are saying or whatever. But I otherwise totally ignore it now.

    A year ago, I couldn’t go an hour without looking at Reddit.

  • GrindingGears@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlF#€k $pez
    10 months ago

    If anything, I feel a lot more calmer and more at peace when reading Lemmy threads. I find the people here are the reasonable ones, and all the other maggots seemed to stay on Reddit. Which I’m super ok with.

    Now and then you’ll see someone who just goes thermonuclear on the first response to one of their comments, but they are far and few between. They all seem to eventually go back to Reddit, thankfully. Maybe because they can’t get the endorphin rush that they crave here.

    This period of peace won’t probably last long, but I’m enjoying it while I can.

  • Wait until the dumb asses in our country put Pierre Peckerhead in power. He also studied Political Science and then went straight to government. Actually I think he studied IR, but you say Potato, I say Potaato.

    No disrespect to people that studied Political Science (I studied Political Science), but people that studied Political Science and then just went straight to government have absolutely no idea what the real world is like. There was a type when I went to school, for example do you remember when you went to elementary school and you saw little Peter and you just knew he was going to grow up to be a cop? You just knew, like there’s a certain personality type that you can absolutely predict their future profession, right? Well same thing, there were a few ding dongs that I was forced to suffer through my University days, none of which have disappointed my predictions in that they all work in government, and they are all insufferable knobs who wouldn’t know an honest days work if it kicked them in the ass.

  • Sounds just like my city (Calgary, Canada). Exact same culture and tax problem too, but here it’s mostly oil and gas companies, so they don’t give a shit about the environment, they just want to justify their real estate holdings downtown. Which in itself is just a big circlejerk between a bunch of oil drenched executive. Definitely goes against the mayor and council, who declared a climate emergency and there’s a bunch of ESG initiatives underway.

    I found myself a remote job, and thankfully it’s still remote. I make way more than I did downtown too, with none of the overhead (parking, food, years off my life spent commuting).

  • I was kinda wondering about the poop and the pee, not going to lie. Like I know things are grave, and there’s more important stuff to be worrying about. But just this morning I was thinking to myself, man that would suck if everyone was pissing and pooping everywhere, on top of all of this.

  • I haven’t used reddit all week. I’m glad to be away from there. I will be the first to admit that I’m just as addicted to this social media shit as we all are, but this has been the first week in a long long time, that I haven’t had any anxiety or felt outraged or mad or whatever. I can’t put my finger on whats just so bad about Reddit, but it’s definitely a pervasive cultural thing, that’s infected the entire platform and all it’s users. Myself included.

  • Honestly I kinda hope they just stay over there. There’s a place in the world for Reddit too. It’s grown so hostile the past few years, like I’ve actually had anxiety from it, and I’m a perfectly rational person.

    The thing I like about this whole Lemmy/Fediverse thing, is there’s a bit of a learning curve. This sounds arrogant, but it’s probably going to keep a collection of people back, folks that are so occupied screaming from whatever political pole they are clinging too, or the vaccine hoax/belief/hysterical bullshit soapbox they are screaming from, that probably won’t take the time to get over said learning curve. So it might act as a buffer, which would be a really really good thing in these trying, trying times that we are all suffering though. Neighbour vs neighbour and whatnot.

  • I’m not going to miss all this mod drama. Imagine being so wrapped up in your own bullshit, that you lose sight of the fact that you are a volunteer for a multi billion dollar capitalized organization, that has just a few guys literally about to cash out with billions here shortly. And it’s all on your back. Like what kind of muppet loser gets this drawn into dramatical bullshit like this?

    The whole reddit thing was always going to disolve into an inevitable death spiral of horseshit, it’s only due to the honest to goodness mods trying to be good souls, that they were able to stave it off this long. The world’s just become too fucked up of a place when we are all connected like this, especially with the events of the last few years. Then you throw a few capitalists into the room, hoo boy.

    The only way this Lemmy thing works out, is if it’s well moderated (ie keep the spam and the actual bullshit off, otherwise fuck off with all the weird incel angsty drama), and if we can somehow keep the fat cats away from it. The whole federated thing is pretty genius, and is probably the best solution we are going to be able to manage to come up with at this time, as a firewall for that sorta stuff. I’m really excited to see where it goes from here.