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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • As someone that grew up in the 90s watching NASCAR Dale was also hella legit. He hated the Confederate flag and was quoted as saying, “racism is a moral commitment to ignorance.” I miss when rednecks understood the fight and also hated cops. Now they suck and give the rest of us a bad name.

  • I remember hearing during the Olympics them actually talk about how much of a freak Bolt is to be so tall and so fast. Most runners are on the shorter side. For those that watch the NFL you’ll know that being tall and fast is what makes people DK Metcalf such a freak of nature when sprinters are actually usually smaller, like Tyreek Hill. It’s less about stride length and more about power put into the ground which is easier for shorter legs.

    If you watch Bolt run you’ll notice he doesn’t actually hit his peak until way after the other runners during the 100m. He has said before iirc that he’s actually a more natural 200m runner rather than a 100m runner. On the 100 he barely gets to his top speed before the finish. That’s what makes his 100m records truly so phenomenal, he’s not really built for that race but was still so much faster than everyone else on the track.

    It’s not out of the realm of possibility that a runner from Nepal being Asian and therefore statistically likely to be shorter than someone born in Africa, could be a record breaking runner. Of course this is all about sprinting but over longer distances the longer lankier bodies prevail, better momentum.

    tldr: short legs go zoom, long legs go long.

  • So so incredibly true. I provide Admin support for folks that want to publish apps with Apple and let me tell you, it’s the wild fuckin west out there and I’m not even talking about the coding part which I’m sure is a hellscape if my side of things is anything to go by.

    Mom and pop got an app idea for passive income so they just hire a company to publish it for then, usually from India, with devs who can’t put two and two together because they work for assholes that want apps pumped out asap. They don’t want critical thinkers, they don’t want knowledgeable employees, what they want are tons of employees they can take advantage of as cheaply as possible that can do a good enough job to stay afloat and make them money. These guys know basic code and nothing else nor do they seem to want to know how to actually manage a development team, they seem like they are under a lot of pressure. I personally don’t actually code or know how to code outside of basic HTML Myspace bullshit but I do know how to get shit published and I know how to get the apps ready for publishing. I know these things because our guides are massive and massively detailed with screenshots to help you out and yet I’m busier than ever. 90% of my job outside of the admin and fraud prevention work I have to do is sitting on the phone reading instructions word for word or copying and pasting it from the guides for people who should be able to understand the content, but they don’t.

    Imo as someone that’s been doing this for 5 years now, it’s a bubble and she’s ready to burst. It’ll be another .com crash that we’ll all pretend we didn’t see coming.

  • Imo blurring genderlines and rendering them useless as a meaningful measure of power is precisely why so many in power now don’t want the gender/trans movement to gain any traction. If people were to realize that gender truly was nothing more than your outward appearance and did not in any way impact someone’s ability to gain power, knowledge, or success then we could end up with a WOMAN in powerful positions or even worse the women could actually start to gain allies with the power to change things when former white cishet male presenting people who still speak with their white cishet friends about all the I justices women face start to get outraged on their friends behalf.

  • FraidyBear@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlJust fuck me up fam
    11 months ago

    Fuckin preach. I’m 33 and have spent the last 8 years in near total isolation because I simply do not have time for anything other than work, chores, feed and bathe myself (if I have time), sleep. That’s it. It’s deepening my depression and sense of total desperation in ways that I’d never imagined. But hey, at least my company is making billions because that’s the truly important part. I’m ready to just say fuck it and go the way of Gen Z. I’ve saved and saved and worked my ass off, played by the rules, got my degree and it’s all been for nothing. I still have nothing. In fact I literally have less than when I was in my 20s. There’s nothing I can do to stop another economic crisis and I’m no where near having enough to survive one so fuck it. I’m ready to just do what I want and if that gets me fired or Im in debt because I finally decided to just take the hit and travel wherever I want then so be it. There’s nothing we can do, we’re on the ride, the clicking of the chains has already started and we are buckled in. Time to just enjoy what we can I guess, even if it sucks the entire time.

  • Yes in the sense that they are housing but it’s not affordable housing and I wouldn’t call the massive expanse that these apartment complexes take up “high density.” One of the complexes next to me has FOUR connected complexes that take up several entire city blocks. The buildings are two stories tall and most of them are one bedroom so these things are concrete hellscapes and they don’t hold the same number of people as European style planned cities, not even close. Plus, these aren’t apartment buildings in walkable and accessible areas, they are sprawling complexes built smack dab in the middle of the suburbs with NO amenities or public transport within walking distance. They are just tiny shitty fenced in neighborhoods with nothing going for them other than shelter. I’m sure they are much nicer than a lot of places but as someone that’s lived in one for 10 years now, they are soul sucking wastes of space. Some of these apartments on the bottom floors could have been corner stores, boutiques, salons, restaurants, or shops. They could have gotten rid of one or two of the parking lots for a park since it’s convenient to walk and you don’t need a car. Instead we just get packed in here and hope we can keep up with the rent.

  • Holy shit that’s terrible. This isn’t a flex it’s just to show how awful this is. I got a 26 overall which was fine. I fucking bombed the math portion with an 18 thanks to undiagnosed ADHD and Dyscalculia.

    I struggled to get into colleges that could actually help me find a career after school with a 26, in fact I never did make it. I went to a small local school. I’m not a crazy smart person I’d consider myself very average. I paid enough attention in school to not have to crack a book at home, I did my homework in class or study hall, I crashed for the finals, and then I got out of there as soon as possible. I still got 7 points higher without ever cracking an ACT prep book or even studying. How… HOW has it come to this? How is it this fucking low? It’s not even enough to get into most colleges is it?

  • You could always spice it up and see what you get.

    I use VPNs and ad blockers where I can / when they work. I also have an extension that makes my Internet traffic useless by sending random data. When I need to go to the official YouTube app and get ads I get a smorgasbord. Right now they seem to think I’m either a recently divorced middle aged man with ED who just discovered they are actually a balding gay man or a teenaged girl with period problems and a desperate need for a social media following. Neither of these even come close but it’s always entertaining to see what I get.