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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I didn’t even learn about the Haymarket bombing until I was thirty. It’s like Armistice day became memorial day and no one is ever told that it was originally a day to reflect on the horrors of war and now it’s all just olive drab hero worship. We are intentionally under educated in the US

  • Unfortunately he followed the law. The Railway Labor Act of 1926 prevents railroad workers from striking. They instead have to follow the exact process that was followed and continue working while in negotiation. As a rail worker, to go on strike is to quit your job.

    Edit: After rereading, the RLA 1926 will allow for “self-help” remedies after a minimum of 60 days have elapsed from the time the National Mediation Board begins it’s process. This allows 30 days of NMB mediation, followed by 30 days for a Presidential Emergency Board investigation, either of which can be extended and with the caveat that

    The NMB can keep the parties in mediation indefinitely, so long as it feels there is a reasonable prospect for settlement.

  • You are absolutely right, and I have always got buy in from players, I just never thought about how badly things could have gone if I hadn’t been doing that so I have edited my comment. For narrative reasons I always think players should have a say in their characters death, it helps me as a DM and can lead to fantastic world building opportunities. Thankfully I’ve never killed a PC without consent for that reason.

  • Played a control/support wizard for almost two years. Died to a power word kill and BBG used his soul as a bargaining chip. Party was too full of themselves and newer players, they called his bluff, my wizard was perma dead. The rest of the session was them as players and characters coming to terms with his death. It was god damn beautiful and one of my favorite memories in gaming.

    Please DMs, kill your players player’s characters. For the character development.

    Edit: being neurodivergent I sometimes forget that people can have personal feelings that I find illogical, so as the comment under mine says; please make sure your player or players are not going to be traumatized if you kill their characters. As a DM I have always done this, because even if they are killed off I want the players input on how it goes, but that is for narrative reasons and I had not considered how badly it could have gone if I hadn’t been asking. I have never been asked by a DM, it just doesn’t bother me because to me it is a part of the fun and magic of TTRPGs.

  • “It is not possible to overdose by touching or accidentally inhaling fentanyl, and the same would apply to non-human animals as well,” Leo Beletsky, a professor of law and health sciences at Northeastern University, told The Times on Saturday.

    So the dog couldn’t have inhaled it then if the story is to be believed because the dog isn’t going to intentionally inhale it

    Because the drug is poorly absorbed through the stomach, he said, an animal would probably have to ingest the substance through its nose in order to overdose.

    Yeah, this is definitely a made up story as others have said. Dog is still lucky it wasn’t shot on account of it being a dog near police though.