Edamamebean [she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Hmm, that’s a lot more tricky, sorry comrade. I agree with the other person who replied, best solution in that case is probably an air purifier by the door. Either than or open all the windows whenever you enter, but that’s not really feasible unless you live in a very temperate climate

    Edit: I just realized, if there’s a window near the door, you could also try turning your apartment into a positive pressure room via a window AC so that air only flows out when the door is opened. But I have no idea if that would actually work in practice. Just an idea.

  • I realized that they literally cannot conceive of someone not being selfish and only caring about themselves when I was part of a group that disrupted a graduation ceremony to demand the university divest from Israel. Some people shouted at us “this isn’t about you” and I was confused at first, because obviously it isn’t about us, it’s about doing what little we can to try to stop a genocide. Made more sense when I realized libs cannot conceive of doing anything that does not immediately benefit themselves. Those woke teens must just want attention!

  • I’d say that’s a big problem. For every bug you see there’s at least a dozen more you didn’t. Having pest control come in has varying levels of disruption and difficulty depending on how they’re treating, but the bigger problem is that in a lot of buildings (I used to live in one such building, and I suspect you might as well) the bugs are in the walls of the entire building, so you’re fighting an impossible uphill battle. If you come to the conclusion that’s the case, you kind of just have to move yeah, which I know isn’t easy, but it’s an unfortunate reality. I’m sorry you have to deal with this comrade.