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The same CounselingTechie from

I like to garden and try to find ways to bring joy and hope into my world.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I remember during the “eternity” in between Gen 3 and 4 sprite-work had started becoming popular as had tilemap-work, with the common words being decolors and recolors, decolors being taking the newer sprites and remaking them for an older style, while the recolors was the opposite direction. I remember on TRSrockin, Lugia’s Den, and Mewthree’s Domain learning tutorials on this, and even having contests for it.

    Fast forward to 2006 and people were making romhacks of Johto in Firered and Ruby, but also trying to make Hoenn in Gold, and some even so far as to try making Johto in Red. It was not perfect, but it was enjoyable. I even got into the fun of it too, having a lot of fun making romhacks. One such I remember distinctly involved a Tyranitar on the main screen, and was based in Gen 2, and was honestly phenomenal to play.

    Needless to say, the difference I found in my life between the games officially made, and the fangames was that the fangames were not limited by policies of the company, and were only limited by the technology, and the passion of the creator or sometimes creators. Today we live in a modern world, with such projects as Pokemon Red KEP truly exemplifying that spirit with the limitless power of the decomp projects and community.

  • As someone who played Runescape and designed a Necromancer Cook specifically because of that, I am prepared!

    The Culinaromancer’s tools of trade are the tools of the magic, a component pouch of ingredients that are specially crafted over years of hard work and diligence to the craft of magic.

    Animate Dead using the skeleton of a freshly finished meal, imbuing into it the seasoned anger at how the nobles dared to salt it! Send that chicken after them for revenge! (While I am aware that animate dead specifically says humanoid, I had asked and my DM had permitted it, and also you are writing a story like you said so it works). Your master chef uses one of those old styled seasoning wands, a little cannister on a handle that you dust the special bone dust and seasoning that your magical craft is fueled by, forming the entity.

    If you want to purely have it be D&D related, the Abyssal Chicken familiar would be perfect as the familiar of choice, tasting like a chicken but having the truly delectable presence of the Hellish realms behind it’s beak. Truly a master chef’s ultimate familiar signifying the willingness to dive to the harshest worlds for the best ingredients.

    For some fun flavoring of spells, Toll the Dead as a cantrip, but it is the dinner bell being heard that echoes into the soul, reminding them that they are the meal tonight. The trusty cleaver brought out and cooked with the burning green fire to cook the meat as it carves it from the bone, a beautiful flavor! False Life is powered by alcohol, the seasoning that you spritz over the meal that empowers you with the strength to go further on. A dried pepper is brought out and added to the delectable meal as you breathe Dragon’s Breath, applying a dragon’s touch to the meal. Want to ask the dead how they want to be cooked? Sprinkle some of your graveyard dirt and basil blend before igniting it, letting the lovely aroma that only the dead can bring flavor the corpse as they can speak what they want to be cooked as for your people. Perhaps you want to make a creature be dead before preparing the feast, so that in the middle it returns to life before dying once more, letting the fear of sudden death add that delicious final seasoning, a truly delectable final meal! And of course, if worst comes to worst, feel free to grab your trusty chicken’s heart you keep on hand for adding that bit of flavor of dinosaur blood, and bring a nightmarish fear of being cooked poorly to these wretched souls who dare get in the way of your meal.

  • Honestly, I first saw your post and had to sit there for a bit and think on it. I did not have an answer for you as to when I truly do have time to just freely relax and think. I have the ability to memorize what is discussed in the classes and think on how to apply it to my work as well as applying to future goals I have for myself; however, I do not actually have a time that I, as you said, just replenish by doing nothing. Even in the time around my resting periods where I am not doing as much work I am still distracted so I don’t think I truly ever relax and let my mind freely float and think to replenish itself as you had mentioned. That may be something I really need to do something about. You mentioning the brain-lock is accurate for me, I have noticed times where I am stuck hitting a wall if I try to work out anything and end up having had to take a break to sit down and sleep typically to recover. You are correct, I am closer to early 30s than early 20s, and I can agree that the balance of physical, spiritual, and mental/emotional time has changed since I was younger, and even changed as the world around me has changed. When I was younger I needed more time for my mental/emotional time and my physical time than I do now. It is interesting how the balance does change.

    Thank you for honestly giving me some room to think about what I may have to try and make changes to better make things work. It is most appreciated.

  • To first correct mistakes:

    • Firstly, I never mentioned an “inability to pay attention”, perhaps that is something you had imagined, but I shall assure your mistake in that I do not have difficulties with paying attention nor do I struggle with concentration.
    • Now, I shall admit to difficulties with sleep and exhaustion; however, I shall seek to clarify for you that my exhaustion is the type of fatigue that is the common response people find to having been in a state of higher stress as it starts to find points where the stress decreases, the body finds fatigue and exhaustion after. It is quite common actually to see in our world, believed to be a response to the adrenal gland and how as it goes from high activity to normal levels of activity the differential causes a sensation of exhaustion.
    • Sleep is likewise not something I struggle with, while it may not seem like many hours to you, the amount of hours I do sleep is enough for me to function and has been enough for me to function for over the past decade of my life; furthermore, I do not struggle with falling asleep, or staying asleep, barring unique situations where I am forced to push myself where I do not get to sleep in my usual routine, as had been outlined with the mention of overtime in my original post.

    With that clarifications of the assumptions you had made in your first question, to now answer your questions:

    • The “how exactly” biphasic sleep schedule is working for me as it provides opportunities for me to have mental reset in between two high-stress careers. It is not a traditional biphasic sleep schedule I agree; however, I had spoken with others who use polyphasic sleep schedules and we had come to the conclusion that my schedule was satisfactory enough given a life that I cannot easily change the schedule of. The way in which it works well for me is that I have a routine built around permitting it including my dark-hour periods for making sure my body is obtaining what it needs.

    • I believe my former answer was satisfactory for this one, that by having a routine in place it helps me to work the amount I do. I once more state it is not a routine for everyone, but it is the most satisfactory option available for me.

    • I believe I had answered the question as to why I work two full-time jobs in my original post, by simply saying “it is due to circumstances out of my control the life I have going for me.” That is a satisfactory answer to provide for you that healthily follows the boundaries I have in place with aspects of my life, boundaries I had learned and developed for myself with the help of my therapist, to answer your final question.

    II do hope that my answers to your questions were satisfactory.