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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • My grandpa was always really interested in whatever I had going on, especially when I didn’t think it was worth celebrating. We spent a lot of time golfing together when I was a kid and he taught me a lot about staying calm and looking at me today vs yesterday instead of me vs where I wish I was.

    Everybody we ran into seemed to really like being around him. We used to play with a lot of people we rolled up to on the golf course. I try my best to be someone people are happy to see; like they were for him.

    I miss him but I carry so much of him inside I feel like I can still hear what he would say. I hope I can be as important to someone as he was to me.

  • Nice work on the ketones testing, that’s very helpful. Being sick raises my sugar levels, and I have to keep on top of hydration. I remember hoping if I got Covid i would have 2 other obvious symptoms because they were leaning pretty hard on the fever as an indicator. I’m glad you’re taking an active role managing it! I got it when I was 17 so I kind of worked things out on my own (because I was a teenager, not because my parents wouldn’t help).

  • So being high all the time is remarkably similar to being sober all the time because your brain adjusts to what you throw at it.

    I took 10 months off and I just read a lot of books.

    Everyone is different though. You should probably try avoiding the internet news and try interacting with people in real life. People are pretty cool when they’re not a vague description of bad behavior from a stranger online who wants you to believe an entire category of people are bad.

    The news literally exists to make you anxious at this point because it drives engagement.

    The fucked up thing is you can know this and still not be able to stop compulsively reading it.

  • We have a lot of two lane roads where I grew up. My parents used to have this Buick sedan that took diesel. To pass a slower car my mom would make sure there was nobody coming the other way for as far as she could see, then floor it and tell me to pray.

    Whoops I guess I didn’t drive that. Worst car I’ve driven personally is probably a Volkswagen scirocco that had been in storage for years. It was a stick so I had to keep the clutch in with one foot and have my heel on the brake and toe on the throttle just to keep it running at a stop sign.

  • It often happens, however, that thinking lags behind reality; this is because man’s cognition is limited by numerous social conditions. We are opposed to die-herds in the revolutionary ranks whose thinking fails to advance with changing objective circumstances and has manifested itself historically as Right opportunism. These people fail to see that the struggle of opposites has already pushed the objective process forward while their knowledge has stopped at the old stage. This is characteristic of the thinking of all die-herds. Their thinking is divorced from social practice, and they cannot march ahead to guide the chariot of society; they simply trail behind, grumbling that it goes too fast and trying to drag it back or turn it in the opposite direction.

    We are also opposed to “Left” phrase-mongering. The thinking of “Leftists” outstrips a given stage of development of the objective process; some regard their fantasies as truth, while others strain to realize in the present an ideal which can only be realized in the future. They alienate themselves from the current practice of the majority of the people and from the realities of the day, and show themselves adventurist in their actions.


    You need to be able to see the whole situation and understand what current conditions require to advance to your ultimate ideal. If you’re not willing to make concessions for a future victory you are as lost as someone with no ideals.