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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • " Siding with Yemen " is a bit rich. The writing is on the wall for the current regional war to expand into a proper world war. They don’t want their infrastructure, be it shipping or oil related to be hit by missles.

    It’s one thing to carry out an air campaign halfway across the earth where your enemy cannot reach your homeland. It’s a bit different when the war is in your backyard and not on the television.

    Same reason why Saudi Arabia is so squeamish about this whole air raid campaign. Both nations host American bases and troops. They are the logical first targets for the Houthi’s to attack. Signing off on this would be stepping foot into the ring as a meatshield, with little to gain from this charade.

    Yemen has already been bombed back into the stone ages, infrastructure wise. More airstrikes will not break them.

  • Urban fighting is pure nightmare fuel for all parties.

    It’d probably be safer for the civilians, to open up refugee camps outside of the contested area, allow inspected movement,

    That was never really on the table in Palestine. And especially less so now that there’s 1200 dead Isreali’s. They are not crossing into any lands held by the IDF without becoming prisoners.

    The Egyptians have also refused to keep the border crossing open so fleeing to Egypt isn’t an option either.

    The pogroms have already started in response. There’s nothing or noone that can stop this fight now. Sometimes the gears of history turn and crush those beneath it. And this time we’re helping crush people beneath those gears. Its all fucked.

  • No drones won’t be the frontline. You cannot use drones to physically hold an area, and they can be rendered useless in inclement weather or by signal jammers.

    Not to mention, if you need to actually clear houses out like the U.S. did in Fallujah, you would needs tens of thousands of men. No amount of drones would suffice to replace them for this task.

    And yes. People have been saying the tank is obsolete in almost every conflict it has fought in. Including the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    The drone has not made anything obsolete, but it has changed how effectively you can use soldiers and equipment.