Everyday is TAURSday!

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • Ha. Loved the last one. Everyone’s speech is so unpredictable, it’s hard to understand everyone. Some too deep, some too soft, some too shrill, etc.

    This study is very promising to me, where I was born profoundly deaf and need hearing aids to hear. Hopefully one day I may be able to take it to improve my hearing.

    Can agree with the deaf community part - they really have a “one of us, one of us, one of us” vibe going on.

    I wonder how much the hearing aid industry will be impacted with this. You can only fit so much technology into a plastic shell but you still don’t fix the underlying issue.

  • I was looking into this earlier to try fixing a display that was being offset on an old tv screen. The display was going off the left side of the TV, causing a black bar on the right side.

    I was trying xrandr, and fixed it somewhat by offsetting the display back, but somehow it did not fix the right side - it seemed as if the display had went under the black bar.

    But yeah you can offset, stretch, skew and rotate with xrandr

  • My guess would be the sense of fulfilment.

    At work you have a purpose, and so you fulfil it.

    At home, to motivate myself to do the chores, is to find a rationale for it to be done.

    • Laundry? So I can wear them to work / be ready to look nice when going out.
    • Dishes? So I can have nice big servings of meals and be able to cook.
    • Cleaning? So I can enjoy a nice, cleaned house without getting dirty when I walk around (walking barefoot inside is a good indicator when to clean)

    Etc. Etc. Plus it helps to enforce the thought that I’m “adulting”, like the kid in me and others would say.