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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 10th, 2024

  • Got my bachelor’s and wanted to go to PhD, but realizing this has me strongly considering skipping it. I want to do the research, but holy shit, there’s so much other bullshit, and it’s so fucking competitive for funding. Since I’m considering an international move, I also have to consider how stable my position will be so I don’t get deported. I want to push science forward, but I dunno if I can wade through all the bullshit to get my chance to…

  • I don’t see that as a viable path forward. If lack of voters decide the election in favor of the opposition (from your perspective), the party most aligned with you will move away from you to stay competitive. If sufficient votes for third party decide in favor of the opposition, you might get some decent movement towards the third party. If there are so many third party votes that your favored main party loses and the third party rises, the dying party may want to enact change, but they’re out of power, and the newly entrenched party won’t want to do it because it’s now helping them.

    Note that none of these result in voting reform. We know because it’s happened. It wasn’t always the Democrats and the Republicans, but it has pretty much always been a two party system once we got through a few elections.

    If you want voting reform, unfortunately, the only way to make that a serious possibility is by making it a serious campaign issue and by fighting to enact it locally and work our way up to the federal level. It’ll be hard to go straight for the top, but some areas are starting to experiment and prove it’s viable. Next step is to go a little bigger or expand into new areas.

  • Yeah, it’s bullshit, but unfortunately, homes in an HOA are contractually obligated to obey the rules. In at least some cases, failure to comply results in fines that, if left unpaid, can result in the loss of the home as the HOA effectively gets to sell it to recoup what they’re owed.

    And cities are encouraging them all over the US, so it’s getting increasingly difficult to find a newly built home that isn’t in an HOA. Cities love them because they raise and spend their own funds to maintain things, which means the city doesn’t have to spend tax money to do those things.

  • That shit drives me nuts. Wanna be trusted with my life savings, but they can’t be bothered to implement modern security features until they’re already being phased out. I don’t know what will replace modern 2FA schemes, but I guarantee banks will adopt the current ones about three years after the replacements become standard.

    Also, they’re charging you a poor tax for not having enough money, whether that’s a minimum balance or just accidentally spending a nickel more than you had on hand.

  • Classic Doom 1 and 2. There’s gotta be over 100 levels if you count TNT and Plutonia, which I think were sold as Final Doom? Anyway, if you just get the base games for 1 and 2, there are thousands upon thousands of community made maps, including some total conversions, so you can play new Doom content until it physically pains you to continue.

    Of course, I feel obligated to mention that even though it would be super easy to pirate the WAD files and play with a free modern source port like GZDoom, like absolutely trivial to find copies of DOOM.WAD and DOOM2.WAD floating around the net, probably showing up easily on Archive.org, but… Um… Where was I going with this? Oh, right, don’t pirate. Cheap on GOG last I knew.

  • Riiiiight. You just completely coincidentally claim that instances of resistance to your aggression are bad. The only time you find resistance to you acceptable is when it’s impotent.

    The topic at hand was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the context of attempting to avoid war. I made no direct comments about other topics, nor did I intend to imply anything beyond that. To quote the comment that sparked all of this:

    it’s pretty clear that Russia tried very hard to prevent the situation in Ukraine from devolving into a war.

    Russia is responsible for their own actions. Regardless of the facts that form the basis for the decision, if their true goal is to avoid war in a region, the best solution is to not militarily invade that region. That’s it. That’s my full claim. You can try to argue about whether or not Russia was justified to invade, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about Russia wanting to not fight in a region they attacked after making a deal to not invade that region.

  • Which suggests you’re not arguing in good faith and just wanted a smug put down

    Oh? Were you arguing in good faith when you refused to elaborate on how you think Russia should have reacted to your aggression, then?

    Given that it isn’t the discussion I was initially involved in and attempted to stay out of it because I won’t claim to have simplistic solutions to complex problems, yeah, I’d say I was. There’s the right thing to do, and there’s the thing you can actually convince all involved parties to do. Unfortunately, telling everyone to leave each other the fuck alone and play nicely won’t do anything meaningful, and I don’t pretend to be a foreign policy expert capable of discerning what all parties will begrudgingly agree to. I just was able to recognize an armed invasion as an act of war when the discussion was on whether or not Russia was trying to avoid war.

    The rest of this is mostly just you attempting to shove words in my mouth. Nobody should be invading anyone. Nobody should be genociding anyone. Yes, I am capable of understanding when when western countries do fucked up things. Yes, I think they should knock it off. Yes, that applies to Russia, too.

  • I’m sorry, I thought you understood we were talking about Ukraine

    We were, but you decided to talk about your embarrassment and atrocities in Afghanistan, for some reason.

    Cute. Downright adorable. You knew full well what I was talking about, you just elected to change the subject. Which suggests you’re not arguing in good faith and just wanted a smug put down.

    I’ve heard claims that the 2014 was western-backed, though I’ve never seen anyone attempt to substantiate that claim

    The Nuland-Pyatt correspondence where they discussed whom to put on the throne in Ukraine instead of the then-current leader were leaked in early February of 2014, before the coup. She also bragged about how much the US spent on influencing the Ukrainian government. And, of course, the leaders of the coup were politicians - it was not a grassroots movement.

    I haven’t heard of this before, so I’ll check it out.

    Go ahead and quote the part where I said anything about how they should or shouldn’t resist

    You keep talking about how Russia is bad for resisting you, for example.

    I can’t believe your reading comprehension is genuinely that poor. You know what I actually meant, and this is just a poor attempt to change the subject to one you find more favorable.

    I never did, nor was that the topic at hand

    It’s literally the topic at hand. You started it by talking about how Russia shouldn’t have resisted your aggression the way Russia did.

    Look, there’s the discussion you want to have, and there’s the discussion the rest of us who are paying attention are trying to have. Try to stay on topic. No, I did not mention Afghanistan, even if the description is relevant to more than what we’re talking about. No, it wasn’t a genuine mistake to misinterpret it that way. Don’t try to play smug and stupid at the same time.

    The discussion at hand, since you seem to be struggling to grasp that, was whether or not Russia was trying to prevent war in Ukraine

    War with NATO more generally.

    And yeah, Russia did try to resolve it otherwise. Russia did not just do an overt full-scale invasion in 2014.

    Full-scale? No. Invasion? Yes. Russia tried to deny troop presence, but I recall several instances of soldiers accidentally revealing their presence.

    Notably, you are fine with voluntarily invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Vietnam, Korea, committing genocides, including the one in the occupied Palestine, known torture sites, coups, etc.

    You know, I don’t recall ever mentioning those things. Don’t see them in this thread anywhere. Do you assume the worst of everyone who disagrees with you, or am I just special?

  • I’m sorry, I thought that you weren’t this delusional about Afghanistan somehow fitting the description I provided. No, kid, Afghanistan didn’t expand to any US border, and is not the word’s most prolific aggressor that killed millions of people during its second invasion of Iraq alone.

    I’m sorry, I thought you understood we were talking about Ukraine, so I interpreted your comment through that lens. I’ve heard claims that the 2014 was western-backed, though I’ve never seen anyone attempt to substantiate that claim, so I assumed that was what you meant. You know, because it’s relevant to the discussion at hand, unlike Afghanistan.

    Well, we are still waiting for you to tell us what you would do. After all, you seem to think that you are qualified to tell the rest of the world how it should resist you and how it should react to your aggression.

    Go ahead and quote the part where I said anything about how they should or shouldn’t resist. I never did, nor was that the topic at hand. Attempting to force me to answer it is nothing but an attempt at grandstanding.

    The discussion at hand, since you seem to be struggling to grasp that, was whether or not Russia was trying to prevent war in Ukraine. Ukraine being the country they invaded. Voluntarily. Arguably for imperialist reasons. Unless, of course, you think it’s pure coincidence that Russia would stand to gain ports, natural gas (or is it oil? I think natural gas), and a ton of food production.

  • Tens of thousands of unnecessary covid deaths, massive tax cuts for the rich and tax hikes for the average person, packed the supreme court with activist judges gutting rights and regulations, gross mishandling of classified documents that totally coincidentally coincided with an alarming rate of intelligence assets getting killed, refused to allow the peaceful transition of power, etc., etc., etc., but sure, nothing at all happened under Trump, and Project 2025 definitely won’t actually happen if he’s reelected, right?