I dreamt that I was about to accomplish my lifelong goal last night. My goal in this case would be to escape America in order to claim refugee status somewhere safer, more peaceful, or in general just somewhere I would be able to have a peaceful life.

Dreams are a manifestation of our thoughts so this would actually be a good sign that I am on the way towards manifesting this. Even though I woke up right before actually getting on a plane which frustrated me, the airport represents decisions and a long journey about to start.

Positivity will bring us what we want in life in a positive way, but if we bring negativity into our lives while manifesting, the things we bring into our lives may be changed in some way that we really do not like.

We must also realize that nobody is coming to save us. In shows and television it’s too often shown that the perfect person is rescuing someone from their circumstances or their life situation. This is a dangerous idea and usually the result of a poor childhood due to that being a time of powerlessness and needing an adult’s intervention in order to change our circumstances. The sooner we take matters into our own hands the better off we will be.