Testing possible issues we’ll have with translations that will need fixing once we have a VPS and have more freedom to toy around with the website server.

Right now, since everything is done manually so far, we would need to add a “/pt” to every other article mentioned, and translate those too. There may be some way to do it more easily, but I have no idea.

We’ll need comrades up to administrative and hosting tasks, though. We need to start a group with up to 5 comrades, where we’ll use chat messages to communicate easily. I recommend Telegram because of its features (there’s no privacy under a bourgeois dictatorship), but I’m up to anything decided by all of us.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    13 years ago

    Neat. I’m setting up the french main page so I can understand how wikis work better. It’s still looking like the english page right now, I’m doing it one component at a time.

    • Camarada ForteOPMA
      3 years ago

      There’s a lot of documentation available at https://mediawiki.org. I’m using their documentation to figure out how to approach multilingual wiki’s. We would benefit from having system and hosting administrators between our comrades, so we can try to figure out how to make the translation process as easy as possible.

      Actually translating something shows you the deficiencies of our current approach, so much thought is needed considering the limitations of MediaWiki engine itself.