Thread by Comrade Natalie with some lovely pictures

  • @NoQuesoPlease
    3 years ago

    The further I’ve delved into communist theory, the more and more I’ve come to loathe advertising. The way it digs into every god damned facet of your life. Especially the ads that have the audacity to say a commodity is part of your family unit. For fuck’s sake Coca Cola you’re not a part of my family please shut the fuck up.

    One day ads will be gone and we’ll be free of that aspect of our commodification. It’ll be glorious.

  • @pimento
    113 years ago

    Cant you see that these people are yearning for freedom and advertising?

  • loathesome dongeater
    3 years ago

    man i really fucking hate ads. they are everywhere.

    edit: i mean everywhere in non- socialist countries

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    83 years ago

    Sadly, my career may involve advertising…

    Welp, everything it takes to make a living in this hellhole of a capitalist country, I suppose…

    Doesn’t mean I have to like it though.

    • @redjoker
      83 years ago

      Your skills will be incredibly useful in propaganda committees

      • Makan ☭ CPUSA
        53 years ago

        Well, I am pretty nifty when it comes to promoting propaganda online, at least from what I’ve seen (promoting the CPUSA subreddit, for example).