• @BobsonDugnuttOP
    4 years ago

    Don’t brigade this thread because it’s just a stupid shitfight at this point but if you want some of the juicy bits, the thread is here and if you bother to read down far enough (not recommended) he attempts to pass off an academic article as being on accounts of imprisonment under Castro’s rule:

    “by the end it’s sort of like a journal with different excerpts…with prison ids and names and ages of people who were either Jewish prisoners, homosexuals or sex workers who resided in the “military service” camps that you keep calling. There’s like a detailed two page account of the Cuban State government’s own records.”

    There is literally no such thing in the article whatsoever and I attempted to drag him for it but he suddenly “got suspended” and somehow managed to reply in a comment letting me know of his suspension (twice in two separate comments!) and that he can’t respond or he will get banned for evading his suspension.

    Reddit is trash and RadLibs like this are either PsyOp agents or extremly useful, extremely idiotic useful idiots.