Do you think everyone in that room was re-evaluating their support for Western culture and whether they should be teaching this to other people

  • @pimento
    64 years ago

    Fight against the system by putting a toilet in a museum. That’s just mocking all the people who fought against imperialism.

  • @calmlamp
    4 years ago

    In context it’s an interesting piece to study, just on historical grounds. The creator was a really weird guy and did some really weird shit.

    But yeah, mainly only notable in the annals of art history because it drew out how stunted and mentally constipated the entire bourgeois art milieu is. Someone put a toilet on a pedestal and called it art and 100 years later they’re still not over it.

    God can we have socialism soon please?

  • Muad'DibberA
    54 years ago

    When ppl make fun of the soviets labeling every type of western art as bourgeois, seeing shit like this makes me realize if they really did, then they had a good point.

  • loathesome dongeater
    44 years ago

    This is ridiculous. Can someone explain what this white woman is trying to do? I don’t understand one bit what she said about the toilet and what she is trying to achieve.

    • @XiangMaiOP
      54 years ago

      Post-Invasion of Afghanistan the British flew this ‘teacher’ (along with an army of teachers) to ‘teach’ Afghan women about Western art/values etc.

      I feel like she started the talk understanding why this famous French art piece made such a big splash in the early 20th century and by the end of it realised she was just showing them a toilet

    • @calmlamp
      4 years ago

      deleted by creator

    • @calmlamp
      4 years ago

      deleted by creator