• yethira
    54 years ago

    Man, lately I see lots of anti-Soviet shit. Especially related to WWII.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    54 years ago

    To get into that a little deeper into this.

    • By the beginning of the war with Germany, the USSR already had a decent stockpile of arms, armour, and ammunition. This lie comes from the Nazis, and was repeated in American Anti-Soviet military indoctrination.

    • At the onset of the war, the USSR had more than enough food to adequately feed its troops. But like all nations that participated in the war, food supplies dried up and logistics routes were destroyed, which led to shortages. But the important thing to note, the USSR had just as much food as everyone else.

    • Soviet tanking doctrine evolved along with everyone elses, but very important to both the war and how we’ve come to understand armour as a concept and a technology; it was the Soviets who pioneered a large swath of what is relevant to modern tanking. Not the Germans, not the rest of the allies. Though true, both the Germans and the rest of the allies did put forwards valid tanking theories and technologies, the Germans shifted and evolved their doctrine to match the demands of the eastern front. You can thank the Soviets for modern armour.

    • Though it is true the Soviets lacked good military leadership at the beginning of the war, the same was true of the Germans. And where the Germans remained incompetent and elitist in their leadership, the Soviets originated many doctrines that are still in use today and birthed many great tactical minds.

    • Specifically, on the myth that the USSR used suicidal waves, the earliest publication source I could find for that is US Army indoctrination booklets from at least the 1950s. They did often use a doctrine of mass assaults, however, the generals didn’t sacrifice their soldiers for nothing. When a mass assault was called, in most cases there was no other option. If you’re in the west and are a fan of western military films, this is an equivalent to valiant scenes of bayonet charges.

    • @CriticalResist8OPA
      64 years ago

      If you’re in the west and are a fan of western military films, this is an equivalent to valiant scenes of bayonet charges

      When “we” do it: So heroic! Wow, much bravery! Respect to these men!

      When the “asiatic hordes” do it: so savage bruh no empathy.

    • Muad'DibberA
      64 years ago

      I swear libs get their theory from the movie enemy at the gates, and call of duty games.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      54 years ago

      Also one of the primary reasons the Soviets got pushed so far back was a combination of poor leaders being placed in important spots on the front, and German’s tendency to push far beyond easily defendable lines. A secondary reason is the winters would cut off logistics, which caused deaths from starvation or freezing, and caused defections (for both sides). It wasn’t because the Soviets were just “bad at war” or whatever fascist bootlickers like saying these days, but because the conditions of the war gave advantages to the Germans early in the war.

      A good way of looking at German victories on the eastern front, is to imagine them like a drunk staggering around and lucking into doing things right. In actuality, German advances succeeded with the help of luck, not such much with the help of tactics.

    • loathesome dongeaterM
      44 years ago

      the Nazis, and was repeated in American Anti-Soviet military

      Comrade you just said the samw thing twice.

      Jokes aside, this is a very good post. Saved.

  • T34 [they/them]
    54 years ago

    Before communism they were led by a king and a fucking magician.

    In 40 years they overthrew the monarchy, fended off like a dozen imperialist countries who invaded them, won a civil war, collectivized agriculture, survived the Great Depression, industrialized, saved the world from Nazism, ended famines, and won the space race.

    libs still be like MuH aSiAtIc HoRdEzzzZ!!!