I’ll have to give credit to this terminal liberal because they didn’t say that USA is becoming more like China or Norf Korea.
You might have to rescind your credit after you read what Liberals are saying about Trump’s Sovereign Wealth Fund plan
What is that?
This is not a coup, this is just politics being enacted. USAmericans are not used to things happening, I guess, but Trump and Musk are stomping over all protocol because they can, and unless their opposition is willing to stop them they will do whatever. Because that bloodied parchment has no material force and no matter what your class interests are, “checks and balances” are merely a convention. This is what politics actually looks like.
This keyboard warrior seems to be horrified at the mere notion that the Executive can decide what the state does, or that they’re firing “security officials who follow protocols” (they say that 6 times). I truly hope this is a fake account from an angry laid off USAID worker trying to make a fuss, and not an actual human who believes this.
If “every American need to act now”, he should lead by example rather than cheer from the sidelines. Go get 'em patriot. Pathetic.
The American Constitution represents more than just a system of government—it embodies humanity’s greatest experiment in self-governance through reason and law rather than force and will. When the Founders established our constitutional republic, they created something unprecedented: a government bound by law rather than personal authority, where power flows through democratic institutions rather than individual whim. This inheritance, paid for with the blood of patriots from Lexington to Normandy, gave birth to the very idea of modern liberal democracy.
The American Constitution represents more than just a system of government—it embodies humanity’s greatest experiment in self-governance through reason and blah blah blah
I think they see it as a coup against their faction. The neocons have had control of permanent bureaucracy for decades on end, and all of a sudden they’re getting purged. This is what the freak out is all about.
Agreed. This isn’t a “coup”, it’s just the consequences of politics. This is what it looks like when an administration actually uses its powers. Liberals have forgotten what that’s like because they are pathologically incapable of doing anything proactively, all they want is stagnation and status quo while “business as usual” goes on, because that has always benefited them, that’s always been a cushy way for politicians to get rich while doing nothing but getting fattened by lobbyists and then having a go at the good old revolving door.
So i’m sorry, but as the saying goes “you snooze, you lose”. Maybe next time they are in charge they should enact some purges of their own. Maybe they should have, as so many people were telling them to do, expanded and packed the supreme court while they still could. If the situation was reversed the Republicans would have had no compunctions doing so.
The founders of the empire understood also that the whole shtick about “democratic institutions” was only supposed to be something you feed the masses to fool them, you weren’t supposed to drink your own kool-aid. Politics and governing is not about “norms” or “protocols”, it’s simply about power and the exercise thereof. Fascists understand this. Liberals don’t, which is why they will always lose.
What you described still falls comfortably within the definition of a coup, which is always “politics happening”
It’s not though. A coup detat involves a party coming into power through unconstitutional means. They might be breaking the law now but it doesn’t make it a coup because Trump and his posse attained power through a democratic election.
the office of US president isn’t democratically elected
They didn’t attain the power to do what they are doing. When a part of the state takes powers belonging to other parts, that’s still a coup. While American Presidentialism is the closest thing to a monarchy there is without having a king, what’s happening is already wildly unconstitutional and a frontal assault at democratic structures.
God that’s a lot of words to say “orange man bad.”
The way america works is that one side of politics does stuff and if other side doesn’t like it they challenge it and it gets ruled on whether it is legal or not by the SC. So what trump is doing is legal until the SC rules otherwise. and that isn’t happening any time soon.
I would say it’s more accurately described as fascist infighting, though even to that extent, some of it may be more aesthetic infighting than real material changes. If everyday liberals were fully aware of what democrats do with power, they would not be thinking it’s such a drastic difference when it’s republicans instead.
That’s not to say there’s nothing different about how Trump goes about things, but it’s less different than it’s made out to be.
As for the US constitution, it’s one of the biggest scams in human history. It was drafted up by genocidal slave owners and it took immense struggle and loss of life (most especially from the most marginalized), among other minor things like a fucking civil war, for the country to even get to a place where women and black people had the right to vote. The idea that the US invented some kind of special form of democracy is nothing more than western chauvinist superiority complex drivel. If the US is exceptional in anything, I’d give it credit for being the birthplace of some of the best and brightest minds in con artistry, with a system that facilitates their rise to the top. The so-called “checks and balances” that people worship are mostly just mechanisms that make reform from within all but impossible, by making it too logistically complicated and unwieldy for anyone but the white supremacist, imperialist elites to have the power. When it comes time for an actually important (to the elites) decision to be made, such as more money for bombs, those “checks and balances” are nowhere to be found; the decision is easily done and virtually never obstructed in any meaningful capacity from within the system.
That’s why it’s so easy for them to do what they’re doing. Because they’re still acting in the interest of the white supremacist, imperialist elites; or at least in the ballpark of it as a faction, even if there are sometimes disagreements on how the world should be carved up and what method will be most successful.
The business owners of America decided to jettison anything brought about by the FDR administration. This has been decades in the making.
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