As an INTP my best are: Albert Einstein, Friedrich Engels, Rene Descartes, Abraham Lincoln, and Edward Snowden.

Worst are: Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, John Locke, Albert Speer, and George Soros.

If you don’t know what type you “are” just look up Myers Briggs test.

(Disclaimer: this stuff’s basically pseudoscience, but it is interesting to think about who might have though kind of like you)

  • @RedCat
    1011 months ago

    Elon Musk, Colin Powell, Michel Obama and Ayan Rand.

    I think I wanna die.

    • @NothingButBits
      411 months ago

      I don’t believe any of them are INTJs. Seriously who wrote that section a liberal from the Democratic party?

      • QueerCommieOP
        711 months ago

        There’s no way Elon’s an introvert with how much he begs for the love and attention of the worst people online.

  • commiespammer
    1011 months ago

    Aren’t personality types pseudoscientific nonsense on par with constellations, or am I mistaken?

    • commiespammer
      611 months ago

      I did one anyways. ESTP. I’m with fucking Donald Trump 💀💀💀💀💀 On a brighter note Einstein and Malcolm x. Also Han Solo. Nice, I guess?

    • relay
      11 months ago

      They are categories of people’s personality tendencies. Yes it is essentialist, but most psychology is these days. I like that Meyers-Briggs doesn’t pathologise differences in people’s minds though. Because it is self reported tendencies it feels more accurate than astrology but does not make any supernatural claims. Also you can have high tendencies in both directions for any of the 4 characteristics making your personality not easily defined by one of the 16 personalities.

      It was made to help people get assigned to jobs so that they can be satisfied with their jobs based on their personality type. Thus is has a list of falsifiable hypothesises.

      I found this article:

      Reading this article it made me realize how difficult it would be to control for this experiment because they’d have to control for how shitty various workplace environments can be.

      The best way to do this kind of experiment in various workplaces is to sieze the means of production in order to flatten the differences of shittyness between workplaces. Then collect the data from people of various industries, Job satisfaction, industry, particular job title, Meyers-Briggs personality type. To further control for the shittyness between industries we should also extract the median satisfaction rate of each industry.

      We can run statistics on what personality types are common in particular industries, and to what extent a particular personality type is satisfied relative to the median of the industry with particular industries or job titles.

      Sorry if this is off topic.

  • Black AOC
    811 months ago

    Those hack frauds Bernie Sanders and George Orwell are also an INFPs and I am pseudoscientifically ashamed to share classification with them

    The upside is that apparently so were Kurt Cobain, Carlos Santana, and Ronnie James Dio.

  • @Kirbywithwhip1987
    11 months ago

    Best: Joseph Stalin, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Francis Ford Copolla, George Lucas, Cillian Murphy and Christopher Nolan

    Worst: Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, J.K. Rowling and Margaret Thatcher.

    Fictional: Bruce Wayne, Sherlock Holmes, Heisenberg, Gus Fring, Anakin Skywalker, Michael Corleone, Wednesday, Kyoko Kirigiri and Nick Furry.

  • @CannotSleep420
    11 months ago


    • Bruce Lee
    • Lemmy Kilmister
    • Snoop Dogg
    • Diogenes


    • Zachary Taylor
    • The Dalai Lama
    • Erwin Rommel
    • Jack Dorsey
    • Steve Jobs
    • Narendra Modi


    • Putin

    Edit: here are some fictional characters as well.

    • Shrek
    • Jason Bourne
    • James Bond
    • Django Freeman
    • Saitama
    • Arthur Morgan
    • Ron Swanson
    • John Wick
    • Ozymandius
  • DankZedong A
    411 months ago

    It’s linking me with Gaddafi, Che and Fidel and that’s all I need to know (ENFP)

  • @NikkiB
    411 months ago

    Best? Probably our boy Karl. Worst? Ayn Rand.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    411 months ago

    You’re more of a Friedrich Hayek personality type , whereas I’m more of a Salma Hayek personality type. /s

  • Absolute
    411 months ago

    I’ve got Tom Hanks, Barack Obama, Celine Dion and Bill Maher. Leonardo da Vinci as well apparently. I’m ENTP btw

      • Absolute
        511 months ago

        Nice someone actually good

  • relay
    411 months ago

    Not surprised to see other INTJ people here.

  • QueerCommieOP
    411 months ago

    There’s a pattern I’m noticing. All of you who’ve commented so far have exactly one trait different than me.

  • @Arachno_Stalinist
    311 months ago

    I tend to go back and forth between ‘ISTJ’ and ‘INTJ’ depending on the test (IDRlabs considers me ISTJ, 16Personalities considers me INTJ), so I’ll put both types lol

    Best: Marx (INTJ), Lenin (INTJ), Xi (ISTJ)

    Worst: Bezos (ISTJ), Heidegger (INTJ), Nixon (ISTJ), Doenitz (ISTJ), Manstein (ISTJ), Zuckerberg (INTJ), Musk (INTJ), Rand (INTJ)

    11 months ago

    Worse: bezos, buffet, Eisenhower, Nixon, ratzinger

    Neutral: Freud (kind of a weird guy, but important for psychology) Augustus (slaver and all of that, but functional to the development of slavery into feudalism)

    Best: edit: my lord Xi