I heard the first game was a masterpiece.

Is that true?

  • SovereignState
    41 year ago

    I’ve only played Kingdom of Loathing (the text based MMO) - I used to be really into it and progressed pretty far. Some of the humor may be dated but it definitely had some absolute riots. I’ve watched playthroughs of the beginning of both of the single player Loathing games and they seem equally as hilarious if not moreso than the MMO.

  • @bobs_guns
    31 year ago

    not a masterpiece but still quite good and quite worthwhile.

  • @reverendphil@lemmy.world
    211 months ago

    The first game was fun, but admittedly I played it through once. Mostly I wanted to support them because I played the absolute hell out of the web game back in the day.