• @aleshasmiles
    131 year ago

    On the one hand, fuck Black Hammer and Gazi. But on the other hand, this seems like a ridiculous charge and clear suppression of free speech when it opposes U.S. state dept. narratives.

    • @ihaveibs
      131 year ago

      It comes across as an exercise in whipping up russophobic fervor

    • @CannotSleep420
      101 year ago

      He always struck me as a fed, but not a Russian fed.

    • @cayde6ml
      61 year ago

      I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Gazi is a rapist and a nutcase and a grifter. I’m glad that he and his ilk will be in prison, even if the charges are horseshit.

    • @EnchantedWhetstonesOP
      1 year ago

      Oh yea it’s coming along with a string of bullshit charges of Chinese people too. They’re going insane

  • relay
    31 year ago

    This is really bad. If the charge without evidence for spycraft of a foreign enemy is grounds for arrest, this means that we are at like McCartly levels of bullshit.

    Not that I care for Black Hammer in particular though.