Tens of thousands of Ukronazis and Russian deserters from war came in Serbia, all of them reactionary like when they did in 1917 in Yugoslavia, but thankfully, something happened in 1945 and thanks to Tito we didn’t have a problem with them anymore.

But now the same thing and they are acting like they are in their own homes and are treated nicely by government while immigrants from Middle East and Roma who need help more than ever are treated like trash by government and people alike!!! I hate and can’t stand seeing nazis, fascists and westoid bootlicking cowards here while people who need help as soon as possible because of westoids are treated like this. Every now and then Ukronazis do some shit, paint their shitty symbols somewhere which thankfully get vandalized and removed/painted/destroyed fast, drive fast somewhere, crying and pissing crocodile tears about how they are ‘‘so poor’’ while arriving in Maybachs and whatnot , Russian deserters crying and whining how ‘‘they HAD to run’’ like sheeps from wolves and how ‘‘eBiL their gObErMeNt is because of saving Donbas civilians from attempted genocide’’. Like we don’t have enough of people like that already and we needed more. Prices for everything jumped abnormally high as soon as they came!

I just want them gone along with fascists we already have and they can go to Germany, France, UK or wherever they are going and leave us and rest of ex-Yugoslavia in peace to help the people in need and ourselves. So what will happen to them after the war, will they proceed in EU, come back?

  • Most of the Ukrainian refugees are probably normal, politically ignorant people who don’t want to die; not to justify their unaware complicity in the attacks on the east, but that applies to almost everyone in the imperial core as well. There are probably also some left-wing people who took the chance to flee future persecution by “blending in” with other refugees. I’d imagine almost all of the dedicated Nazis stayed and joined the war or continued killing civilians in the Donbas

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987OP
      101 year ago

      There are definitely nazis as they sown multiple times with their statements and symbols they use, even the ones in UK shocked even BRITS with their racism towards Africans and Indians and drawing a couple of swastikas on floor in airport that one time.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987OP
      41 year ago

      I want to help Middle Eastern/African refugees fleeing from bombing and 2 genocides westoids are doing and supporting, Roma people here living in poverty for years/decades, homeless no one cares about, every day for decades, not mostly nazis fleeing from war they are partly responsible by supporting their government which did genocide on more than 14 thousand+ people for 8 years while they cheered on it OR at best not caring about it at all and just letting it happen. And Russian deserters who were IN Russia, not Ukraine or Donbas/Kherson/Zaporizhzia, they were far from war like many from Leningrad for example and just chose to go for some reason like ones in 1917 and are now crying on Radio Free Europe and other westoid media shitting on their brave soldiers who are liberating their people from 2nd wave of nazism in Europe? I don’t want to treat them worse(if they didn’t do anything illegal), just bring them back or let them go in Germany/France/UK wherever they started and wanted to go.

  • @Franfran2424
    71 year ago

    EU needs young workers, those will stay. Old ones… Returned or allowed to stay.

    Russians will slowly trickle back into the country.

  • @cfgaussian
    1 year ago

    They will probably stay where they are unless the governments of the countries they are currently residing in actively decide to kick them out or make it very inconvenient and uncomfortable for them to stay. And i don’t see that happening except maybe in the Western European countries…and perhaps Hungary if its government stays as xenophobic as it is. Eastern European countries including Serbia will come under significant pressure from the EU to take all of the Ukrainians that the West will eventually get bored/annoyed with. One thing is for sure, most of them will never go back to Ukraine because there is simply nothing there for them, the country will be destroyed for a long time and they are much more comfortable in Europe. If you’re lucky some of the wealthier ones may go to Canada to be with all the other Ukrainian Nazis.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987OP
      61 year ago

      Or if(read: when) war breaks out in Kosovo and Metohija, they will continue to flee. I just hope they kick them out and return them back and just help the migrants from Middle East, Roma and homeless and other people who are actually in desperate need for help.

      • @cfgaussian
        1 year ago

        Do you think a conflict in Kosovo is more likely to happen than one in Bosnia, for instance if Republika Srpska declares independence or tries to rejoin Serbia? And are there any aspirations to restore the Serbian Krajina or was the ethnic cleansing there too successful? It seems to me like the entire region is still a powderkeg with unstable and illogical borders that are only being upheld by the presence of NATO/the EU. Some of the smaller states there look like little more than artificial constructs designed to allow the West to maintain a presence in the region through client states that can contain Serbia to prevent it from emerging as a serious regional power again.

        • @Kirbywithwhip1987OP
          41 year ago

          Definitely, but Srpska is unfortunately mostly fascist filled with chetniks and like 20+ monuments of nazi collaborators(like Serbia itself and most of Eastern Europe) even if it’s not westoid puppet, it’s still filled with fascists, but I don’t think they would try it. Nothing of Krajina, it was disbanded in wars, but Srpska remains as an entity in BiH, it’s terrible ever since Yugoslavia is gone as far as borders go. Yes, only Serbia and Bosnia aren’t occupied currently, Macedonia was also in 2020, my cousins from there told us that people didn’t vote at all, government just entered it without anyone’s approval or referendum, same as Montenegro. I literally lost all my home countries except Serbia and Bosnia to North Atlantic Terrorist Organization

          I don’t see it in Republika Srpska, but Kosovo and Metohija war will happen 100%, only question is when and when that happens, then the Ukronazis and Russian traitors will probably proceed further. I just hope that USSR and Yugoslavia come back man, in next decades, at this point it’s so insufferable having enough reactionaries in country+other ones coming, why can’t some based people come…