• DankZedong A
    171 year ago

    WhitePeopleTwitter I think. They’ve been so brainwashed into thinking being a liberal is being left wing instead of centrist at best.

    • Black AOC
      71 year ago

      p sure the overlap between WPT and AHS is 90% circle

  • @Lemmy_Mouse
    161 year ago

    r/againsthatesubreddits for their GenZedong hot take, r/news for the same reason as r/politics, r/ironfrontusa are basically blue MAGA neo-fascists, r/conservative, r/pcm, r/Bernie anything in 2023, but the HQ has to be r/neoliberal.

    • Black AOC
      101 year ago

      I’m convinced they’re the reason GZD got quarantined. + bardfinn types like someone I used to get into arguments with all the time on DemocraticUnderground back when I still thought I was a democrat lmfao. iykyk

  • @big_spoon
    121 year ago

    if it’s about politics in reddit, it’s like asking how many drops of water are in a glass of water

  • Bury The Right
    1 year ago

    Probably some niche subreddit out there somewhere that is more liberal, but for it’s size and relevance r/worldnews. Basically just a constant spew of takes that always just so happen to align perfectly with NATO/western geopolitical interests.

  • @Jelamzer
    101 year ago

    Its hard to pick one but if I have to say R/Politics,that sub is literrally blue maga nonsense

    • @Shrike502
      91 year ago

      This. You pretty much can’t go anywhere without bumping into some lib idiocy or another. Hobby subs? Meme subs? Country subs? It’s not just infested, it’s the nest and vector