So I explained to a liberal about Ukraine being an asshole to Russians who live in Ukraine (using fictional terms in order not to trigger any prior usage of said terms), and surprise surprise, he agreed that Ukraine was being an asshole, just makes you think how much buzzwords affect peoples’ view of things

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    191 year ago

    The point of the media using buzzwords is to elicit specific responses from viewers.

    people’re basically trained by the media to respond to certain words in certain ways, which allows the media to make people take any stance they want. If you explain geopolitics in terms that don’t elicit that response, liberals tend to be more willing to take a nuanced stance on it. But if CNN (or what have you) gets to them first, they’ll have their mind made up on it.

    it makes me wonder how many supposed anti-fascists in the west will openly defend fascism when their governments finally go fully mask off, just because the media uses the right buzzwords to make them fall in line. The war in Ukraine gave us a taste of how quickly left-liberals will defend Nazis with the right words.

  • QueerCommie
    121 year ago

    Reminds me of how if you explain that winters are getting less snowy and summers are getting hotter to a conservative they’ll totally agree, but the second you mention “Climate Change” or “Global Warming” they’ll shut you down and call it a hoax.