I know none of this is surprising given the state of the English-speaking side of the web.


I’ve been censored heavily on YouTube. I am a dork and thus I liked radicalizing people in comment sections. Some things aren’t surprising, I think the most egregious censorship was of course the kickstart of the Ukraine conflict, and of course when I was younger and shittier I would get censored when I lost patience and wrote particularly nasty things towards people.

However, slowly over the last 6-18 months I’ve noticed that I seem to be having comments censored even just mentioning buzzwords like: Marxism-Leninism, capitalism, fascism, pragmatism, the AES did XYZ good thing, the G7 did ZXY bad thing, etc. Anytime I feel like I write something that particularly hits home I feel like it gets knocked down. It’s gotten to the point where the schizo-something in me comes out with glee as I st4r✝️ typ1ng l1k3 th1$ 2 d1sgv1z3 nny vv0rdz (mild exaggeration), knowing that if I don’t cleverly censor shit (and probably just get flagged as a bot anyways lmao) that it’ll get flagged and it’ll be flakked down.

But of course it must be targeted. I see plenty of half-baked Western leftists using 90% of all the same words all the time. I think when I started saying deep cut CIA shit like “Compatible Left” or strategic shit like “radicalization funnel” or secret war shit like [insert every CIA operation]. I think I got “he’s a bad 'un” labeled on me and now it just auto-erases everything I say that isn’t completely and utterly banal.

Anyways, I’m stoned and drunk, thanks for listening to my rant, I’m here all week. ✨️HE’S A PROFESSIONAL✨️

What is ya’all’s experience?

  • @Inbrededcanadian
    151 year ago

    Back when I didn’t realize western MSM were just propaganda 24/7 I saw some blaten bs about China on YouTube, called out on it, wrote like 2 paragraphs explaining why it’s bs, and YouTube just ate the comment.

    • KiG V2OP
      51 year ago

      Yeah, I’ve wrote out some damn essays that got Zucked lol.

  • Water Bowl Slime
    131 year ago

    Do your comments disappear when you refresh the page? Do they add to the # of replies listed under a comment even if they’re not visible? Your account might be shadowbanned straight up

    • KiG V2OP
      51 year ago

      It adds to the replies but if I view it in an alternate account / logged off it doesn’t show.

      It’s not 100% of my comments, but anything that has even the slightest inkling of politics in it gets a 50/50 chance of seeing the light of day.

      • Water Bowl Slime
        21 year ago

        Well in that case the person you’re replying to will see your comment through their notifications, at least. If they have notifications turned on anyway

  • Al-Andalusian
    71 year ago

    This made me check if one of my comments appears on a r/TheDeprogram post, and from a private window the comment is not there.

    Pasting the comment URL in a private window tells me “this comment is not available”. Can anyone else see it?